BIZMAX: Haredi Business Hub Opens In Jerusalem

By Shlomo Ben

Bizmax – Jerusalem’s Haredi Business Hub recently celebrated its grand opening, with public figures, businesspeople, philanthropists and entrepreneurs in attendance.

Chief Rabbi David Lau, who affixed the mezuzah at the entrance to the facility, was duly impressed by the Hub’s professional atmosphere, and commented that the highest form of charity is enabling a person to stand on his own two feet.

Attendees made their way through the 6,000 sq. ft. premises, which houses an open workspace where several entrepreneurs could already be seen working at individual stations; private offices and consulting rooms for one-on- one meetings with business mentors; a coffee shop-style kitchen; Achim’s headquarters, where entrepreneurs can avail themselves of Achim’s business expertise or even secure a loan; and fully equipped conference rooms for global teleconferencing, attesting to Achim Global’s vision of uniting Haredi businesspeople around the world.

In the auditorium adjacent to the Hub, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was greeted warmly by Kemach’s CEO Moti Feldstein, who noted that it is indeed possible for Haredim to launch a business without compromising on their lifestyle. Feldstein thanked Mr. Marc Schimmel, President of the Achim Global Foundation, Mr. Leo Noe, President and Founder of the Kemach Foundation, Motti Eichler, Founder and Chairman of the Achim Global Foundation, and Mr. Eyal Haimovsky, CEO of the Jerusalem Development Authority, for their unflailing support of Haredi entrepreneurship. Bizmax is a collaboration between Achim Global, the Kemach Foundation, and the Jerusalem Development Authority.

President Rivlin remarked that it’s time the economy recognized the Haredi community’s potential contribution to Israeli society and the global economy at large. Governor of the Bank of Israel Dr. Karnit Flug spoke about the success of Haredi entrepreneurs, and noted their high-learning capacity. Mr. Shraga Brosh, President of Israel’s Manufacturers Association, expressed his commitment to making manufacturing industries more accessible to Haredim.

British Ambassador to Israel Mr. David Quarrey acknowledged Schimmel’s and Noe’s philanthropic efforts, both of whom are citizens of the UK, and commented that this initiative will serve to strengthen ties between the communities in the UK and Israel.

Minister of Interior Rabbi Aryeh Deri expressed his amazement at the talents exhibited by today’s young Haredi entrepreneurs. Deri awarded Mr. Schimmel a certificate of appreciation, acknowledging his role in bringing financial stability to thousands of Haredi homes during the past decade through several professional training, job placement and entrepreneurship initiatives.

The event concluded with Bizmax manager Itzik Crombie giving an introductory tour of the premises to Haredi entrepreneurs, who marveled at the detailed planning of the facilities. Many expressed an interest in taking advantage of the wide range of professional services offered by the Hub, which will enable them to get their respective businesses off to the right start and ensure their success.

The Hub is located at 15 HaZvi Street in Jerusalem’s City Center. Work-stations and offices are available for rent at a subsidized fee on a monthly basis, with conference rooms available as well. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to learn more about what Bizmax has to offer, at

2 Responses

  1. Could be that for Purim, no chareidi kid may dress as a chareidi businessman, just like they’re assered from dressing like Israeli soldiers or cops, because to be a businessman is almost as bad, leshitosom.

  2. To number 1
    Let me explain some facts to u
    The Issur of dressing up as a soldier or as a policeman was issued by “The eida Charedus” – which IS NOT, FYI’ mainstresm Israeli Charedi
    There was no Issur issued by the Moetses Gedolai HTorah (any of them – ie Litvaks, Chassidim, Shas) who are the ones who decide for the “regulr mainstream Charedi”
    I don’t kno wh u r – but if u seem to have a need to “badmouth” at least check your facts

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