Eida Chareidis: Purim Custumes Should Not Be IDF Soldiers Or Israeli Police

Days before Purim, the Eida Chareidis in a kol korei to teachers and parents to watch over little ones and their costumes for Purim to make certain no one is dressed like and IDF soldier or policeman.

The kol korei states “It is not proper to dress as soldiers or police” for all that they represent. This brings appreciation among the dropout youths who want to join the IDF which is contrary to the opinion of the Eida Chareidis.

Hebrew text below:

‘קריאה אל ההורים והמחנכים’

“בעמדנו בימי הגזירה הנוראה על גיוס בחורי ישראל והכנסתם לכור ההיתוך של צבא ושירות לאומי, ובהתקרב ימי הפורים ימים אשר ילדי בנ”י נוהגים להתחפש בהם, וידוע שגדולי ישראל זצוק”ל בדורות הקודמים אמרו כי גזירת הגיוס הוא מחמת שמנסים להדמות להם ומעריצים את הצבא וכדו’.

“אשר ע”כ הננו מעוררים בזה כי ראוי להורים לבל יתחפשו את בניהם לחיילים או משטרה וכדו’, ויהיה זה להציב את הריחוק והניכור אליהם ואל כל מה שהם מסמלים ומביעים, הבד”ץ פונים גם למלמדים ומחנכים: “וכן מלמדי תשב”ר ומחנכים בת”ת יעמידו את התלמידים על חומר השעה וחובת ההתרחקות וההתבדלות.

ומסיימים בברכה: “וההורים המתנהגים בדרך התורה ומרחיקים את בניהם מן הכיעור והדומה לו יזכו לרב נחת דקדושה מיו”ח שילכו בדרך התורה והמסורה, וכימי מור והדס נזכה לישועה גלויה והצלה מרובה בביאת גוא”צ בב”א”

ppThe publication of the kol korei is an annual event as well, as many gedolei Yisrael call for the same, to prevent the young from dressing as IDF soldiers or police and in fact, few do as a result of this call.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. That picture is gold my brother just texted me a picture he’s in a costume store in geullah on one of the caps it says terrible nival peh totally clueless

  2. How disgusting and low can these hypocrites from the Eida Chareidis descend. Its OK to for their kids to dress up in goiyeshe Santa Class costumes but not ok to show some respect for the security forces who protect them from the terrorists. Perhaps after some important members of their tzibur suffers some tragedy from a terrorist attack they will change their mindless hatred of the IDF. I can understand their preference to avoid military service but their disrespect for those who assume the burden of protecting them is beyond comprehension.

  3. dont know, but my kids and grandkids did dress like police or IDF soldiers and they turned out to be nice people.

  4. stupid…The IDF are the warriors that Hashem has appointed keep the country safe. This ruling causes sinat chinam..

  5. There is no comparison between IDF costumes and Santa costumes.
    1) The Santa costumes are used out of ignorance, the Yerushalmis have no idea what they are.
    2) There is no danger of young charedim emulating Santa as there is of emulating the IDF.

    It was not appropriate to publish that picture together with this article.

  6. eric55: ditto Succos lights
    Gadolhadorah: I am not an EC fan, but your comment reveals your hatred for human beings who are our Jewish brethren. (YWN: The picture is cute, but bears no relationship to the EC where sheitels are not the norm)
    And who says they know about the sanity clause? In general we’re not as vertumelt here in EY about eidei hagoyim as those who live in the artzos ha’amim you know!
    The kol korei has to do with distancing from association with the IDF in light of attempts by secular forces to dilute and then eradicate the Old Yishuv, in whose zechus we merited to return here.
    Please cool the rhetoric gentlemen.

  7. You guys are so naive!! Since they live in e”y and are not exposed to all the garbage you guys are exposed too, they don’t even know what Santa is!!!!! You truly believe they would dress up like Santa if they knew wat it was?!?! Common keep ur jeolousy of there true yiddishkeit a little quiet don’t make it so obvious. Totally disgusting that YWN put that picture in to make fun of the eida, and besides the wife is wearing a sheital so prob not so affiliated with the eida….

  8. It states in the Hebrew, “יתחפשו את בניהם לחיילים או משטרה וכדו’”, which means that kids should not be dressed in costumes of soldiers, or policemen. Which is clear.

    However, what is disturbing is the addition of “וכדו”, which means etc. What exactly is the etc here?

    Does this include costumes for firemen and MDA as well?

    Why not just state: All costumes that represent any individual, organization, or establishment that receives funding or assistance from the State of Israel is hereby prohibited.”

    But this would then prohibit dressing up as a Cussid (since they get financial aid from the State).

  9. #2 What chutzpah! How dare you talk about the Eida Chareidis like this? Do you not even have 1% of yiras Shamayim? Shame on you!

    The Eida Chareidis is 100% right. One must not dress like Goyim. Israelis who dress up in red and white have no idea what it’s all about. They never heard of Santa. To them it’s nothing more than a nice costume. But dressing up like those who are out to Shmad religious Jews, should definitely be out of the question.

    FYI it’s yeshiva boys learning Torah who are the ones protecting Israel! The security forces would have siyatta Dishmaya, Heavenly assistance, had they been following halachah and not deliberately go against the Torah. In this immoral army, men and women use the same bathroom!! and women are permitted to enter bedrooms of men!! Is this something for Jews to be proud or ashamed of? Definitely not for holy Jewish children to imitate.

    Those who know where you live should dress in Shabbos clothing and blast some Shabbos songs near your home to bring some yiddishkeit back to your lost soul. Nebech!

  10. What’s beyond comprehension is the disgusting comments from moronic misyavnim like Gagglehabora who consistently vituperate vitriolic venom.

  11. I think you are unfairly judging them. It’s not because they think that Santa Clause is better than IDF, chalilah. This is the real issue they are not mentioning. Suppose that lots of people dress up as chayalei tzahal. Then when a real chayal visits, they won’t know whether he’s a real chayal or just someone dressed up as one, and won’t know whether they should yell at him for helping the Zionist state. If they no one dresses in this fashion, baruch hashem, then they can yell and harass anyone that looks like a soldier, police officer, etc. In short, it makes identification much simpler.

  12. #2, the Torah is what protects am yisroel, the Zionists were powerless to stop the tunnels and rockets hitting Israel, the Zionists army spends more time kicking Yidden out of their homes and destroying shuls than anything else. There is no heter to serve in the IDF and it is a sakana to do so as well

  13. #16: There are units in the army that are only men and there are units of 100% shomrai Torah u’mitzvohs, so not all fit your description.

    Some factions of Jews may choose to not serve in the army or to serve; each one follows their own Rabbanim. However, loshon horah, sinas chinam and making fun or antagonizing other Jews is 100% asur.

    I remember this picture of a family dressed in red posted last year in an article with pictures from Purim. So this picture was added to this article on an unrelated topic probably just to add sensationalism. It worked.

  14. A certain group is consistently following its ideology for the past century or so. The costume regarding Purim costumes is directed at their community. They are not talking to anyone who is reading YWN. Yet, readers comment with such intolerant insults and accusations. If only you all directed all that righteous anger toward the Reform and Conservative deviants, and the leftist atheists who are running amok among our people! But, no, they are not so bad. The real danger to the Jewish people: if some frum kids don’t dress up and IDF soldiers or policemen on Purim.They are entitled to raise their kids they way they want to. Just like everyone else!

  15. #21 There might be such units but the high sodomite court granted women permission to enter any unit they wish including those of religious men, although not in the bathrooms in religious units for men “momentarily”.

    And btw, according to the Chofetz Chaim, talking about reshoim is not loshon hora. The army is anything but holy and moral.

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