Atzeres Tefillas on Sunday Night Against Planned Geula Shopping Center

An atzeres tefilla is scheduled for Sunday night in the Prushim Shul in the Batei Warsaw area of Meah Shearim, prompted by a planned shopping center in Geula. The event is set to get underway at 8:30pm, and rabbanim are expected to attend, to address the tzibur towards expressing their adamant objections to the establishment of a shopping center in the heart of Geula.

The rabbonim feel this will change the character of the community, a most unwanted change, signaling they are not planning to accept this as a fait accompli.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Maybe — Just maybe — if these Rabbonim would show SENSITIVITY to OTHERS, then maybe they could claim the “right” to sensitivity FROM others.

    Maybe HaShem is telling the residents of Geulah — you are part of a community that vandalizes memorials and thinks nothing of the feelings of others when you do that? Well, then people are nto going to think of YOU either …. and they will do as THEY see fit and not worry about the “character” of your community….

    I do not claim that the two are directly linked… but instead of “beseeching HaShem” for mercy… it is time to look at how THEY treat others…

  2. How dare you speak this way about the Rabbonim? Who would you go to if your life was in danger–the Israeli government or prime minister or to one of these rabbonim? You question their sensitivity?

    Who says that most Geulah members approve of the violence. They most likely don’t. They are as Torah observant as you are.

    And do you think they are not weary of all this protesting? They must do it, because as Reb Chaim Shmuelevitz z”l said, “Az es tut vei, shreit men” when one is pained one instinctively reacts to it with groaning. As Torah jews we cannot afford to be apathetic–which is different from being violent or aggressive. This is an Atzeres Tefilla–a time for prayer.

    Besides, who is insensitive and cruel? When there is blatant disregard for the tenets of the Torah–they are ‘mafkir’ their citizens because they forfeit HaShem’s protection r’l.

    What side are you on?

  3. Seems like another in a string of protests, where the driving force is financial, in this case, more competition for existing businesses in Geula.

  4. I do not presume to know why these people are upset about a new shopping center. There are many possibly good reasons, and many less than good. (I see no obvious reason to assume a negative reason)
    I would like to notice, that THIS is how one should make a hafgana/machaah. Note no property damage, no unruly teenagers just burning off energy, just people disturbed at a given situation crying out to the only One Who can guarantee results.

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