White House Denies Story That Israeli Nuclear Scientists Were Denied Visas To US

Ben Smith of Politico reports:

The White House is denying a story in the Israeli newspaper Maariv, gaining traction today on the right, that Israeli nuclear scientists have been denied visas to visit the United States.

The story comes after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled plans to attend President Barack Obama’s nuclear summit over fears that Arab states would use the occasion to press Israel on its deliberately ambiguous nuclear weapons policy.

The story, whose sourcing is a bit hazy, says that “Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor’s employees have told Israel’s Maariv daily that they have been having problems recently getting visas to the United States where they have for years attended seminars in Chemistry, Physics and Nuclear Engineering. They also complain of being treated in an ‘insulting manner’ by President Obama’s people. Until recently, employees of the Nuclear Research Center routinely traveled to the United States for seminars and courses.”

But White House spokesman Bill Burton flatly denied the report of a change to U.S. visa policy.

(Source: Politico.com)

5 Responses

  1. “They also complain of being treated in an ‘insulting manner’ by President Obama’s people.”
    What is this supposed to mean? Who are President Obama’s people?

  2. Does this come as any surprise? I’m sure Iranian scientists received all possible courtesies! He and his whole white house staff are sonei yisroels.

  3. I suspect that they WERE denied… but with the release of this story, the “problems” getting visas will “suddenly” be resolved…
    Let us face matters — the U.S has — B’Chasdei HaShem — been a strong Ally of Israel.
    I think that Congress (in spite of the efforts of “J-Street”) still remains a strong ally of Israel.
    BUT, it should be crystal clear that Barak H Obama is NO ally of Israel whatsoever.
    Indeed, one could legitimately claim that he is an out-and-out Sonei Israel.
    We should act / daven accordingly.

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