Junior And High School Teachers Threaten To Strike Over Violence

1The union representing the nation’s junior high and high school public school teachers announced a strike may be launched in light of increasing violence in the nation’s schools. Union officials warn “The current situation endangers the lives of our teachers”.

The union on Wednesday morning 3 Adar announced a ‘work dispute’ and this means they may strike after the 14-day hiatus period. The union explains it has turned to Education Minister Naftali Bennet and presented the union’s ideas for addressing the issue but to date, there has been no response.

Walla News reported earlier this week that the Education Minister has placed security guards on four school principals in the Center and North after their lives were threatened R”L. It is explained that police are responsible for assessing the situation and to determine what level security is required for schools and staff, including principals. In the case of these principals, a ‘level 5’ security has been ordered, one level from the highest.

There have been numerous attacks in schools over recent years, mostly coming from angry parents. It is added the threats against the principals mentioned are from the Arab sector and this has led to police ordering security protection for them.

The security personnel will be provided by a private firm that is contracted by the Ministry of Education.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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