80 New Homes in Moshav Matisyahu

A planned project to construct a new neighborhood is moving ahead in Moshav Matisyahu, which is adjacent to Modi’in Illit. The private initiative includes 40 cottages and 40 two-family units, with the weekly BaKehilla reporting the project is about to move ahead after receiving all necessary permits.

The folks at Tivuch Tzvi, the firm marketing the homes, explain the new housing units are intended for members of the “torani community seeking quality of life”, pointing out that while the community sits alongside Modi’in Illit, it is home to 400 residents, offering a measure of tranquility not found in other chareidi communities.

Matisyahu was founded in 1981 by new immigrants from N. America and today the community is under the leadership of HaRav Ze’ev Leff Shlita. The community is home to a kollel and other mosdos as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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