Belz Opposes Planned Classrooms Near Bnei Brak Seminary

As work began for Belz-affiliated Beis Malka Seminary, planning to add classrooms near Yeshivas Beis Shmaya in Bnei Brak, officials of the latter immediately called for a cessation of work, expressing adamant opposition to the planned classrooms in proximity to the yeshiva. Beis Malka officials refused to abandon the planned construction, but signaled a willingness to work towards a mutually agreeable solution.

The heads of the yeshiva in recent weeks paid a visit to homes of gedolei yisrael, including Maran Rav Kanievsky Shlita and Rav Nissan Karelitz Shlita, seeking assistance, Kikar Shabbos reports. The roshei yeshiva told the gedolim that the construction of classrooms so close to the yeshiva will result in a decline in ruchnius for bochrim. The report states the roshei yeshiva received letters of support from the gedolim, opposing the construction of the seminary classrooms.

Seeking to find a workable solution, seminary officials offered to build a partition fence between the mosdos. As of this report, Beis Shmaya officials have rejected the offer, explaining the partition fence would not resolve all the tznius concerns.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. “””Belz Opposes “””” “””Belz-affiliated Beis Malka Seminary, planning to add classrooms near Yeshivas Beis Shmaya”””

    I am very confused !!! Who wants to expand ??? Who is opposing ??

  2. “””Belz Opposes “””” “””Belz-affiliated Beis Malka Seminary, planning to add classrooms near Yeshivas Beis Shmaya”””

    I am very confused !!! Who wants to expand ??? Who is opposing ??

    Comment by 208.2346 — April 7, 2010 @ 12:56 pm

    Typical YWN

  3. Is it not enough that we already have fully, 100% separated schools? Bnei Brak is a crazy city and places like ‘Beis Shmaya’ just remind me of that.

    As for #2 – yes, the title seems to be incorrect.

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