Wave of Thefts in Modi’in Illit Over Pesach

Many residents of Modi’in Illit who were not at home over Pesach were shocked to return to their homes and find they were targeted by burglars.

In one case documented by the daily HaMevaser, an avreich lost much of his valuables, including a credit card, which he learned was used in a restaurant at nearby Shilat Junction. It was also used on Monday, the last day of yomtov. Police began monitoring the activities of the credit card in the hope of apprehending the thieves.

A shoe print left on the wall of the young man’s bathroom wall, near the window where the thieves gained entry to his home assisted in making a match, leading to an arrest and a second arrest, both ‘at-risk’ youths from the community. The two led police to a storage facility where they placed stolen goods. Authorities found jewelry, silver items and electronics.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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