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Wednesday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

A man about 80 was injured in a rock-throwing attack near Tekoa on Wednesday morning.

**6 mortar shells were fired into southern Israel on Wednesday morning. No injuries were reported.

**A man attempted to enter a Jerusalem courthouse on Wednesday with a stun grenade.

**An Arab male was arrested at Chawarah Ckpt after a 10 inch knife was found in his tool box.

**Arabs hurled rocks at a bus traveling on the Gush Etzion-Chevron Road near el-Aroub.

**12:30PM: Mortar shell lands near Kibbutz Shar HaNegev.

2:10PM: Police at Tapuach Jct. fired at an Arab vehicle, wounding an occupant lightly. The reason for opening fire is not clear at present.

**IDF siren testing on Thur. at 11:00am in the Shfeila area; including Maccabim-Re’ut, Modi’in, Ramle, Zeitan, Ramot Meir, Nir Tzvi and Hulda.

**Rock-throwing attacks near Azzoun.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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