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Jewish Woman Dressed In Arab Garb Has Cops Suspecting a Terrorist

This story occurred on Tuesday, at Bnei Dror Junction in the Sharon region, involving a Jewish woman who police report was dressed in “Arab garb”.  Police became suspect of the woman, requesting that she stop for inspection. This seems to have prompted her to try to escape the officers, perhaps out of fear, leading to an officer firing his weapon in the air. At that point, she did stop and Baruch Hashem, no one was injured.

Police explain the emergency dispatcher received a call describing a “Muslim woman carrying two bags”. This prompted the response and request for the woman to halt and identify herself. Police restrained the suspect and upon inspection of the bags, found articles of clothing along with a game portraying a miniature airport, runways, and airplanes, further feeding their suspicions. They made the decision to arrest the woman, about 40, a Jewish woman from Jerusalem, explaining the combination of her failure to halt when instructed to do so and the miniature airport had them concerned.

During questioning police bomb demolition experts scanned her bags and confirmed there were no explosive devices. She explained her “Muslim appearing garb” was simply due to her stringency regarding modesty. She was released.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. obviously there is something wrong with their approach to tznius because attracting attention is the exact opposite of what tznius is. how can this be ratzon hashem?

  2. I live in Jerusalem and have noticed that there is a small minority of women who have begun to wear “panchos” to hide their figures. In addition, I have noticed that several have taken to wearing several tichels.
    Unfortunately, as I have passed through the Beis Yisroel area, I have seen a nut or two with a “burka” of sorts.
    My wife thinks that they have some sort of problem. A normal doesn’t cover up in such an extreme manner unless they are covering up something more than their body.
    HaShem should help us and give us direction.

  3. Thank gd that security stopped this woman and searched, investigated and found her to be innocent of terror plans YET GUILTY of ridiculous behavior and dress.

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