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Israel: Victim of Terror Attack in Serious Condition

The rock throwing attack in Shomron, near the community of Yitzhar did not earn a prominent place in the daily papers; after all, it was just “another rock-throwing attack”, one of an increasing number of such daily attacks. In this particular incident however, not all of the intended victims escaped unharmed, but actually, a Jewish man, a resident of Yitzhar, is fighting for his life.

The victim was seated in the rear of the vehicle, next to his two children, when a large rock pierced the vehicle, slamming into the victim’s head, resulting in a fractured skull and internal cranial bleeding.

The injured man was transported in the vehicle to the nearby Chawarah Checkpoint where he received preliminary emergency care, then rushed to the hospital.

On the news, another “rock-throwing attack” was reported, later updating that the man, who was transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah, was in moderate condition. Unfortunately, today, erev shabbos, his condition appears to have deteriorated and on Friday morning he was listed in serious condition, the result of another attempted murder by Israel’s ‘peace partners’.

Area residents and community leaders blame the government’s ‘good-will gestures’, the removal of the area checkpoint and removal of restrictions on PA (Palestinian Authority) residents, signaling them that the government is now permitting a renewal of attacks against Jews throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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