Israel: Siyum Lekutei Halachos

Thousands of Breslov Chassidim are expected to take part in today’s (Thursday) siyum on Lekutei Halachos in the main Breslov Beis Medresh in Meah Shearim.

According to a HaMevaser report, the learning of Lekutei Halachos began some five years ago and concluded on erev Pesach and the siyum is set for today, the second day of Chol Hamoed.

Lekutei Halachos represents the work of Rav Nachman’s ZT”L talmid muvhach, Rav Nosson ZT”L, based on the Torah and teachings of his Rebbe.

The event will be opened a prominent rav in the Breslov community, HaRav HaTzaddik Nissan Dovid Keivak Shlita followed by HaRav Shmuel Moshe Kramer Shlita. The event will conclude with Maariv followed by dancing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. There was very loud music. The Satmar Rav zatzal was saic to be a boki in Likutei Halachos (a 10-volume work) and the Lubavicher Rebbe zatzal said it was the best exposition of the undlying depth of halacha.

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