US: Full E. Jerusalem Building Freeze for 4 Months

The United States is now pressuring Israel to accept a full four-month construction freeze in areas referred to by the US administration as “East Jerusalem”.

According to reports from Washington, US President Barak Obama’s latest brainstorm is to compel Israel to comply with the four-month construction freeze in Yerushalayim in return for persuading PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to return to direct talks with Israel during the construction freeze time period. Such a move on Israel’s part would bring a total cessation to building in neighborhoods around the capital including Ramat Shlomo, French Hill and Ramat Eshkol.

Even worse, it would add additional legitimacy to the fabricated claims to the Jewish capital by the Muslim world, claims that seem to fit the agenda of the ruling US president and his apparent pro-Islamic philosophy.

In essence, despite the attempts by senior politicians to signal an end to the diplomatic crisis between Jerusalem and Washington is behind us, it appears that the worst is yet to come as President Obama appears committed to compel Israel to make additional concessions.

In addition, entering into finite talks with the PA, for four months is a recipe for disaster for it is certain that without Israel making major concessions regarding Yerushalayim and other vital interests, there will be no agreement and the PA will emerge from the talks the victor, blaming Israel’s hard-line position for the failed negotiations.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. It would be the bigest mistake for Netanyahu to cease construction in any place in Israel. Once an anti-semite gets what he requested (Obama) will not stop till he destroys Israel. This is what an anti-semite is all about.

  2. Bibi hold strong. Don’t give an inch! I can’t get over the hypocrisy and lopsidedness of the Israel-Palestinian negotiations! Israel has to stop construction for 4 MONTHS (!!!!!!!) Just to get those murderers to be maskim to sit down and TALK (about Israel making more concessions)!!!!! SO SICK!

  3. Foolish, foolish obama!

    Like all sonai Yisrael [from Paro to Haman to Hitler to (Iraq’s) Hussein, yemach shemam] the U.S.’s Hussein is just digging a deep hole for himself.

    Foolish, foolish obama…
    thinks HE is in control of Israel, when it is really E-lokay Yisrael that is in control of HIM!

    Now it is up to Netanyahu to make a chilul HaSh-m and give in to him, or make a kidush HaSh-m and tell obama that there is nothing to discuss when it comes to ANY part of Yerushalayim.

  4. nichum aveilem to the obama and his administration for an other fallen president for being a real jew hater may K’B help him have one desaister after an other amen

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