VIDEO & PHOTOS: Birchas Kohanim at Kosel Thursday Morning

[VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS BELOW] Thursday is the second day Chol Hamoed [and the first day for visitors from abroad], the day on which the traditional Birchas Kohanim is held at the Kosel. Birchas Kohanim will take place for both shachris (8:45am) and musaf (10:00am).

Following the major yomtov event, the chief rabbis of Israel will be in the area to greet yomtov visitors.

A large police force is on hand to ensure the yomtov event passes without incident. Police and special forces are visible in and around Jerusalem’s Old City, with an emphasis on the Kosel Plaza and Har Habayis areas.

Jerusalem City Hall is providing shuttle service to the Old City from central parking areas since the Old City is closed to vehicular traffic.

PA (Palestinian Authority) residents throughout Yehuda and Shomron remain under a closure that began on erev yomtov and will continue through the yomtov week. This prevents them from crossing into “Israel proper” with exceptions made for humanitarian needs.

PHOTOS & VIDEO CREDITS:  Yitzchok Russek / Kuvien Images (Yehuda Boltshauser & Co.)

YWN VIDEO LINK: Click HERE to watch.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to view.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. I was there and it was awe-inspiring. About 20,000 heiligeh yidden davening b’achdus, and benched twice by hundreds of kohanim.

    Yidden of every background were there, pouring their hearts out to Avinu Shebashamayim.

    May all our tefillos be niskabel.

    Mi k’Amecha Yisroel.

    A gutten Mo’ed.

  2. #1, thank you for your beautiful comments.
    The last time I was at Birkas haKohanim was in 1979, shortly after I was married. Even thought I have lived in Israel ever since, that was the last time I was at Birkas haKohanim. Now after seeing this video, I have such a Cheshek to go again!
    Moedim leSimcha.

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