Women Of The Wall Continue Provocative Acts At The Kosel

kotelFor the Women of the Wall (WoW) Organization, the provocations at the Kosel continue. It is announced the organization plans to host a “Bat Mitzvah” at the Kosel including ‘Hanochas Tefilin” at the Kosel on Rosh Chodesh Adar.

The flyer explains “When Adar comes we increase our joy” (משנכנס אדר מרבות בשמחה). On Monday, the second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar, a bat mitzvah is being hosted for a girl who requested to have it with the organization at the Kosel.

The organization’s advert adds “We will daven that the chareidi plan [for the Kosel and egalitarian prayer area] will not be actualized and that the plan should be reversed and the government will decide to implement its original decision and permit the [egalitarian] area”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. I’m sure Hashem is waiting breathlessly for their prayers that the Chareidi plan not be actualized.

    By the way how come only the “thing” reading is wearing Tefillin? The others already went off the derech?

  2. To Avi 732:

    What you call the “thing” who is doing the karias hatorah is a bas yisroel, whatever you might think about her hashkafah. Your childish name-calling against those with whom you disagree labels YOU and not her. This obsession with the publicity seeking WOW participants to the exclusion of so many more important issues confronting the tzibur suggests you have deeper problems than you may realize.

  3. Must be an old photo or they are laining the wrong parsha from where the sefer Torah is rolled to. Seems very odd that only one woman appears to be wearing tefillin whereas the men who are obligated to are not. Something is wrong with their reinterpretation of Yiddishkeit iof women not mean wear tefillin.

  4. It seems that the only “Hanochas Tefillin” they can muster is for a Bat Mitzvah girl. If they would attempt to have the supportive husbands or other male family members, WoW would cease to exist.

  5. to #2:
    Kriyas Hatorah has a connotation of performing the Mitzvah of “LAINING” in a Shul at a minyan to fulfill a Mitzvah. This person has zero intention of performing a mitzvah, and is not performing this action in front of a Minyan!
    Additionally, I have no idea whether she truly is a Bas Yisroel or not! After all the reform movement recognizes people as Jews whose mother is NOT Jewish! She may be a Shiksa. Furthermore, her actions are not what we would call in our vernacular those of a Bas Yisroel.

    Finally, #1 may have been justified when he used a non gender specific term for the reader, after all we all know the RBSO commanded that MEN wear Tefillin, Men wear a Tallis, Women have long hair and have a totally different set of obligations set forth by the RBSO. So I guess he was not sure about what the reader was.

    Finally, this person does not disagree with me or #1, rather she and all of those gathered there DISAGREE with the RBSO! They have rejected Yiddishkeit. As followers of such a movement derogatory statements may not be out of hand. Is this different than Idolatry? And Chazal says all manners of “joking” is forbidden except when in comes to idolatry?
    If you are offended by people who disagree with WOW and other movements that reject Yiddishkeit, maybe you are the one who needs some hashkofic re-alignment!

  6. #2: No, we don’t have any more important issues to confront than to fight with tooth and nail those who are out to openly destroy the Torah and Judaism.

  7. Gadolhadorah,

    The more I read your posts, the more I realize you are one of the people who seek “haskallah”. Your posts are disrespectful of gadolim, and do not present a Torah viewpoint.

    Most frum women’s agenda is to connect with Hashem, through tefilla, and mitzvot. They aren’t considered devoid of Torah, and have to fill their neshamas with secular agendas.

    Please spend your time posting on Jpost, or Haaretz…I think it’s a better fit.. seriously.

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