Nursing Home Abuse Leads To Widespread Outrage And Concern In Israel

1After their actions were captured on hidden camera, police have arrested five suspects in nursing home scandal that has rocked the industry in Israel.

A police statement identified the five suspects as being a resident of either Haifa, Nazareth and Kiryat Yam. Yediot Achronot correspondent Ariela Sternbach went undercover and documented severe instances of violence, abuse and humiliation. The photos released led to a nationwide outcry against the Naot Kepat HaZahav nursing home in Haifa. Patients R”L were abused and humiliated to permit employees to leave for home earlier than they should. At times, residents were confined to their wheelchairs for hours at a time and far more serious acts were documented.

There are now calls for the installation of video cameras in all areas of all nursing homes. This would permit probing any and all complaints in any facility in the country as the cameras must operate around-the-clock.

The Health Ministry has announced a major probe into the case has been ordered.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. How about a “frum” nursing home in Yerushalayim drugging up patients to quiet them down. Then they lose their balance and fall and break a hip. That leads to a very painful death. It happened to my aunt. I will never forget it.nthey gave a small, thin woman haldol, enough to subdue a psychotic hunk.

  2. The head of that same nursing home, called a lovely lady a “dog”. She asked him why he called her a dog. He answered because you are poor. She was so, so hurt by this comment.

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