Gafne Explains Lomdei Torah And State Support Over The Years

1Degel Hatorah leader MK Moshe Gafne, who chairs the Knesset Finance Committee, attended the motzei Shabbos kenos marking 200 years since the establishment of Yeshivas Mir. The event was held in Caesarea.

He began by addressing the state’s economic situation, explaining “We have become a natural gas superpower and this is important in terms of the geo political. We should be like the 1920s and the economic crash. Banks should have been hit along with all the citizens. There is no natural explanation for this”.

He then addressed government assistance to lomdei torah. He stressed it is not just about Mir, but Mir leads the way in discussions on the matter in the Knesset Economics Committee. He explains what is taking place is the result of government aid to yeshivos, once again, “There is no economic explanation as Israeli banks are all enormously profitable as all around us in the region are collapsing – all due to the zechus of torah”.

In 1977 when Begin came to power, he sent a shaliach to Maran Rav Shach as he wished to cover the budgets of all yeshivos” explained Gafne. He added “Begin was a man close to tradition and he really believed in the state strengthening torah. Rav Shach sent him the message that he does not agree. He spoke of 40%, then adding two reasons. The first is yeshivos may grow accustomed to the aid and if the situation changes for any technical reason tomorrow, the yeshivos are likely to collapse. The second reason however is no less important. The Jewish People cannot strengthen torah if it is not a part of it. The torah cannot be a part of Am Yisrael when Am Yisrael is not a part of the torah”.

Gafne then shared a story involving former PM Ariel Sharon. “I was an opposition member then. Every time he would tell the Cabinet Secretary Yisrael Maimon that any time Gafne speaks [in the Knesset plenum], call me. Do not cut your relationship with the enemy. One day I am speaking and Maimon runs and announced the prime minister needs me immediately. I went and Mr. Sharon spoke to me about raising horses and other non-important matters.

“One day, erev Pesach, there was no salary for mikve women. I asked to enter to see Sharon. I explained the situation. He called Ilan Cohen from the treasury and he explained they are not a government agency and they must implement a fiscal rehabilitation plan”.

He continued, with Gafne explaining to PM Sharon about Chushim ben Dan and the kvura of Yaakov Avinu in the Ma’aras Machpelah and he was deaf and saw his grandfather was in disgrace and immediately acted to bury him, detailing how he crushed the skull of Eisav [according to one opinion] to permit the kvura. “I told Sharon that I am Chushim ben Dan and while he speaks of a rehabilitation program, I know they do not have money for matzos or wine”.

“Sharon told Maimon ‘I was in the army and bullets were fired by my ear and I am deaf as a result. I will be their salaries. Since then during a two-week period, employees of the Prime Minister’s Office phoned me and asked for Chushim ben Dan to tell me ‘the prime minister does not stop speaking about him’”.

Gafne continued “There are problems in each and every generation. As is the case in our generation. Every generation has an elderly father and we have HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita who should remain healthy and may HKBH send him a refuah shleima immediately. All our actions are on his word and instruction”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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