PHOTOS: Fire Department Probing The Ramot Apartment Fire Which Left One Person Seriously Injured On Motzei Shabbos



Fire Service investigators have probed the blaze in an apartment on Tzundak Street in the Ramot area of the capital on motzei Shabbos. One male was seriously injured in the fire because he was trapped. He was rescued by firemen as he was unable to get out of his home due to the flames.

The call came into the fire department at 1:20am on motzei Shabbos and four fire trucks responded. The first firemen on the scene saw flames bellowing out of windows from an apartment on the second floor of the three-structure apartment building. Acrid smoke filled the entire building.

Firemen began combing the building until coming across the victim, who was supine on the ground in his apartment in a compromised state of consciousness. He was extricated from the building and handed over to the care of Magen David Adom, which treated and transported him.

B”H there were no other injuries and the fire was brought under control, at which time investigators began probing towards determining the cause of the blaze.

One fire officer involved, Shai Nechama, explains “We were just about completing the work putting out a fire in an underground parking lot in Har Nof when this call came in at 1:20am. We saw the flames coming out of the windows and heavy smoke conditions when we arrived on the scene.

“We immediately entered [the burning building] despite the wall of flames and acrid smoke and found one person on the ground in a compromised mental state. We immediately rescued him from the intense heat and turned him over to medical personnel outside the building.

“I can say with certainty the man is still alive due to the bravery and determination of the firefighters…”

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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