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PA Leader Remains Adamantly Opposed to Diplomatic Talks

At the Arab League summit in Libya on Saturday, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) presented a bold defiant attitude that earned the support of his colleagues, refusing to participate in American-mediated talks with Israel until such time Israel agrees to halt construction in areas of Yerushalayim viewed as “occupied by the USA and international community”, the areas liberated in the June 1967 Six Day War.

In truth, the PA leader enjoys the broad shoulders of the White House as the Obama administration continues to apply considerable pressure on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s administration, ignoring the significance of Israel being America’s primary ally in the Mideast, the only country that truly shares America’s interests in the region.

Seeking to boost his waning popularity, Abu Mazen used the summit forum to announce he tenacious position regarding Jerusalem, the “jewel” of Islam on which there can be no compromise. He has indeed succeeded in building a fictitious history surrounding the Jewish capital, as if he and his so-called Palestinian nation have a legitimate claim to the land given to the Jewish People.

Abu Mazen enjoys the support of Arab League Chairman Amr Moussa, the former radical Egyptian foreign minister who makes no effort to hide his anti-Israel agenda, feeding Abu Mazen’s radical approach, both enjoying too much tolerance and support from the White House which is not only betraying its strongest ally, but compromising American interests in the region, seemingly incapable of fathoming the bigger picture regarding Mideast politics vis-à-vis the American people.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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