Israel Reports to White House – Iran Building Additional Nuclear Sites

There can be no doubt that the current American administration is less sympathetic to Israeli intelligence reports that the republican administration that preceded it under the leadership of George W. Bush.

The New York Times reports that the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy organization Ali Akbar Salehi reports that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered construction on two additional nuclear facilities. The report adds that United Nations inspectors have also been probing such a reality in light of recent statements coming out of Iran as well as the mystery surrounding recently manufactured uranium enrichment equipment.

Work is believed to have recently begun on two facilities that are being built inside mountains, to protect them from attacks.

Sadly, even after the world has learned of the facility at Qum, the UN still lacks support for crippling sanctions again Tehran, a move that is most unlikely in the future as well considering Russia and China, permanent members of the UN Security Council are unlikely to change their positions. Russia is actually playing both sides of the fence, remaining an ally of the West while earning handsome profits by supplying axis of evil nations with weapons of mass destruction, including Iran, Hizbullah and Syria.

As the nuclear clock ticks down, US President Barak Obama remains opposed to a military strike, at least according to statements released to the media, and to date, he has been unsuccessful in persuading Russia and China to support the stepped-up sanctions. Israel on the other hand continues to warn that time is running out before the world must contend with a nuclear Iran. Months ago, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated this must remain the number one agenda of the free world, stating the mistake was made with North Korea and it mustn’t be allowed to repeat itself regarding Iran.

Israel reportedly told senior visiting American officials in recent weeks of the “Qum lookalike” facility, seeking to compel a response that would impact Iran’s actions, the continuation of the nuclear enrichment program. Inspectors have not found the new enrichment machinery in the Qum or Natanz facilities, but as Israel reports, there are most likely numerous facility around the country playing a role in Iran’s ever-expanding nuclear program.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. America doesn’t care. Obama is to focused on destroying America from within to have time to deal with foreign issues. Face the facts its either military action against Iran or live with a nuclear Iran. I really don’t think a nuclear Iran is an option.

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