Former [Left-Wing] US Ambassadors To Israel Working To Block Friedman’s Confirmation

1It is a well-known established fact that left-wingers are only democratic when the wind blows their way. This is evident in Israel as well as in the United States following the successful campaign of President Donald Trump. The champions of democracy are using all means at their disposal to block key appointments and filibuster proceedings to ratify President Trump’s selections for key posts.

In the latest anti-Trump move, five former United States Ambassadors to Israel;

Thomas Pickering, Dan Kurtzer, Edward Walker, James Cunningham and William Harrop sent a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asking it not to confirm Friedman to become the nation’s next ambassador to Israel. The stress they all “care deeply about Israel” as the US’ major ally in the Mideast, but cite Mr. Friedman’s political views as rendering him unsuited for the high-level diplomatic post. In the letter, they quote Friedman explaining the two-state solution, [which President Trump has pushed aside] as being “an illusory solution” and that [he dares] to openly support “West Bank settlements”.

These policies are simply too much for the former ambassadors who are relying on their status and good names to block the appointment.

The letter includes concerns over Friedman’s position should Israel annex the “West Bank”, stating “address the question of whether Mr. Friedman would defend as ambassador the established American view that annexation of West Bank territory, outside the context of an international resolution, would be counterproductive and a violation of international law.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Who’s $$$ paying $$$ this Gang of 5?
    Dan Kurtzer, an abominable trapeze bending-over-backwards JINO ( Jew in name only) who’s criticized Israel for years in the worst way possible is a disgrace.
    Hopefully, the Prez doubles and triples down on this Gang & the detestable J Street collection of pro-BDS malshimim, yemach shemom, and gets this proud Jew Friedman in ASAP.

  2. So these 5 former ambassadors write a letter opposing a nomination they don’t like, and that shows that they are using all means at their disposal to block a Trump nominee? I guess the next step for these undemocratic former ambassadors is to hire an assassin.

  3. There is nothing undemocratic about publicly opposing a presidential nominee. Quite to the contrary freedom of expression and dissent is a bedrock of a democratic society.

    When you state av childish opinion as a statement of fact such as “It is a well-known established fact that left-wingers are only democratic when the wind blows their way.” you undermine the credibility of this site.

    It is silly and wrong to label these former ambassadors as “letists”. If you disagree with their point make a strong argument to refute it. Don’t resort to name calling.

    Furthermore their point does have validity. Please keep in mind that many gedolei yisrael amongst them Harav Shach ztz”l strongly opposed settlement construction.

  4. #3 The article are written is correct when one does not take it out of context. The text clearly states “In the latest anti-Trump move”, which is just another way of saying “as one example of one maneuver …”.

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