Forum of 7 Convenes to Discuss Mounting American Pressure

It appears that US President Barak Obama plans to continue asserting the full weight of the White House on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu towards bringing a total cessation to construction in areas of Yerushalayim viewed as “Israeli occupied” by the American government.

In his visit to the White House this week, the prime minister received a list of demands including calls to halt construction in the capital. The prime minister’s Forum of Seven cabinet will be convening in Israel on Friday to discuss the American demands and the mounting tensions between Jerusalem and the Obama administration.

The prime minister is quoted in the daily Haaretz a saying he is building in Jerusalem because that is his vision and policy, not because he is pressured to do so by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman or Interior Minister Eli Yishai. The online newspaper adds the prime minister is not seeking a more centrist coalition, but plans to continue with the current right-wing coalition that was formed after the last general election, signaling he is no longer interested in seeking a working relationship with the Kadima opposition party.

Tensions are running high in Yerushalayim as the more hawkish ministers are calling for clear defiance of American dictate, insisting Obama has crossed a red line in his effort to halt construction in the capital. The more centrist/moderate members of the cabinet are less enthusiastic over the recent deterioration in relations between Israel and the United States, seeking to mend fences, warning Israel mustn’t alienate her strongest ally.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. We need to be honest and recognize that Israel really is violating diplomatic norms, norms that are long standing and that have nothing particularly to do with Eretz Yisroel or the Middle East.

    What zealots overlook is really quite pashut – If you’re in the middle of a custody battle with your ex, no matter how right you are – and no matter how likely it is that the outcome will be the way you see it – you don’t unilaterally start acting as if custody has already been granted to you without invoking the ire of the court. And you don’t rely on Hashem and on miracles to free you from either hishtadlus or reasonable norms of behavior.

    In the context of the Middle East, Israel is doing the former – and many here want her to do the latter. The status of much of the Eretz Yisroel is the subject of international negotiations; that many of you think this is apikoras is quite besides the point – it is simple fact.

    The State of Israel would be much better off, and I suggest much more likely to prevail in the end, if it would play by the rules of international diplomacy.

  2. Some people think “even if Obama does everything an antisemite would that still does not make him one”.


    What would it take for those people to finally accept that he was an antisemite?
    What would Obama have to do to finally convince them?

    What did Pat Buchanon do that was so much worse then anything Obama did that the same ones who excuse Obama fully accept the fact that Buchanon is an antisemite?

    Why is it so easy to see the truth about Buchanon and not about Obama who has said and done worse then Buchanon (who also has his own rabbi on the campaign trail, with him).

    Liberals like to accuse conservatives of being; “zealots” and “fear mongerers”.
    Those terms are used by zealots and fear mongerers to promote their own agenda.

    “We must zealousy defend against the zealots and be very afraid of the fearmongerers “.

  3. I meant to say Buchanon had (past tense), his own rabbi on the campaign trail, not that he still does or is still campaigning for elected office.

  4. Why is it that only Israel has to stop building and not the Arabs? Let’s think about that for a minute. The Arabs who are living in E”Y, on Israeli land are building up and about wherever they can even just shells without any internal structures just so that they can claim their space!!! But Israel should not be allowed to build on Jewish land for the Jews? How ridiculous is that!

  5. Its very simple what the Obamanation is doing. He is trying to messup the coalition that Bibi has cuz he can’t work with it. So by continuos mounting pressure the left is saying I told you so regarding Bibi. Its Hashgacha that we now have a hardnose PM there. Just imagine if Livni were PM…….

  6. Its time that Israel finally sticks up for its rights. As a country they have made huge concessions for piece, and the arabs have not.
    Obama cannot get further concessions because he does not have what to offer in exchange. He can’t offer arab cooperation, because they too are not being influenced by Obama. He can’t offer more money because we don’t have more to give. He can’t offer UN support because the UN’s position is clear. I’m glad Bibi realizes this and stays strong with his positions.

  7. Is PM Netanyahu consulting Gedolim Israel? If not, why not?
    Further, “people have friends, nations have interests”.
    To understand what BHO’s agenda is, go to American Thinker and ‘Intellifetch’ two websites that are informed, informative and very conservative.
    My observation, having watched The Fraud since before his nomination, is that he is based on the Saul Alinsky model, and his aim is to destroy American society as we traditionally knew it, and replace it with an unspecified “ideal” society that exists only in his imagination.
    Of course, he and his cohort would be the dictators of all this, so watch what happens to the middle class first, then the rest of America.
    Because of some muddled Muslimism in his head, he loves Islamic terrorism as well. (The Koran disdains – among others – black people.)
    Psychologically, he is a paranoid, narcissistic egomaniac (read Charles Krauthamer for some comments) who can live only on adulation.’Why should some Jews stand in the way?”

  8. #1 – Could you add a few details to that thought?

    #2 – Yes Israel announced the plans to build at a highly inappropriate time, but that does not warrant the extreme reaction from Obama. If Israel had made the same announcement while Cheney was visiting, I highly doubt Bush’s reaction would be nearly as harsh.

    #3 – What exactly did Obama do that so clearly shows to hate jews, not just want peace in Middle East at the expense of Israel?

    #7 – Unfortunately, Obama does have something to threaten us with – the billions of dollars in “aid” that America gives to Israel each year. And not having any money to spend seems not to make any difference to Uncle Sam.

    #8 – I think one of us has got to stop reading novels with conspiracy plots.

  9. hereorthere,

    Pat Buchanan has in the past suggested that Hitler did not start out intending to kill the Jews of Europe and only did so because America and the UK went to war against him and has at other times made claims debunked by everyone but Holocaust deniers (I’d go into detail here, but really, please Google it yourself.) Bottom line: When Obama starts writing newspaper columns suggesting that there couldn’t have been a gas chamber at Treblinka, like Buchanan wrote, I’ll admit we have a problem with our President.

  10. #9 Obama apologized to the Arabs for America saying “America has been arrogant”.

    He also keeps blaming Israel for all the Mideast Problems.
    He like the other antisemites singles out Israel only, for being vilified for building in Israels capital.
    He sat listening for 20 years to Rev Wright and his antisemitic diatribes which were just as vicious as anything Henry Ford published and Hitler enjoyed using Fords ideas in his own speeches.

    #10 So Holocaust denial is the only factor you use in determining if someone is antisemitic?

    So if this were 1935 you would think that Hitler was not an antisemite according to your logic since the holocaust would not have happened yet so no one including Hitler, was denyng it at the time.

    In fact; According your argument, before the holocaust there was no such a thing as antisemitism at all?

  11. No, it’s just the criteria I use to determine whether someone is more or less of an anti-semite than Pat Buchanan.

    You asked this: “What did Pat Buchanon do that was so much worse then anything Obama did that the same ones who excuse Obama fully accept the fact that Buchanon is an antisemite?”

    I answered that Buchanan dabbles in Holocaust denial and Obama doesn’t. If you’d like to compare Obama to someone else that everyone agrees is an antisemite who does not deny the Holocaust, that’s ok. Just it bears noting that Buchanan is on a different level right now.

  12. No Buchanon is not on a different level because anyone who is helping the enemies of the Jews to have another holocaust, is at least as bad if not far worse then someone who sits there and “intellectually” spews his lies that it supposedly, never happened.

    Both are evil and both are dangerous and saying one is better then the other, is an evil and damgerous fantasy.

    Besides I am not so sure that Rev Wright never “dabbled” in holocaust denial.

    And Obama said he “is like an uncle” to him and sat for many years listening to his anti semitic anti White anti American diatribes and his policies are the exact ones he would have, if he were openly admitting he was following Wrights’ philosophy.

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