Yishai Vows to Continue Jerusalem Construction

Shas leader and Minister of the Interior R’ Eli Yishai was quoted in the party’s Yom Yom affiliated newspaper as saying “Baruch Hashem that I am in a position to build thousands of homes in Yerushalayim”, vowing to continue with the policy of construction despite American pressure to halt building.

Also quoted by Galei Tzahal (Army Radio), Yishai stated construction would continue, rejecting what he called the tainted criticism being leveled against Israel by the United States regarding planned construction in Ramat Shlomo and elsewhere in the capital. Yishai expressed sorrow over the fact that the left-wing incites America and others against the current administration, but stressed Jerusalem remains at the “heart of the Israeli consensus” and as such, it will remain the undivided Jewish capital for eternity.

He stressed that while Israel is not seeking a conflict with the United States, halting Jerusalem construction is not an option.

The senior minister, who is also a deputy prime minister, commented that the White House’s position also legitimizes PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ (Abu Mazen) position, his refusal to resume talks with Israel. Since the incident between Vice President Joe Biden points out Yishai, the PA’s position has become increasingly tenacious in Ramallah’s refusal to resume diplomatic contacts with Israel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Anywhere in the world a people are not permitted to live, it would be called Apartheid. Arab countries get away, on the world stage, with not allowing people to even enter the country for any reason, solely because they are Jewish. However, Israel, much to it’s demise, allows arabs to be citizens and live in freedom. Now, the arabs want Jews segregated in Israel and the world is drinking the same arab kool-aid. Expecting Israel to drink hallel kool-aid is wrong and not kosher.

  2. Great! Israel should not be pressured by anyone, even from the U.S. There is no such thing as East Jerusalem. Yerushalayim should never be split up! Rabbi Meir Kahane z”l was right. We should have shipped out all the Arabs from Erets Yisrael. We would not have so many internal problems if we had followed his motto. If Saudi Arabia can do that, i.e. not let any Jews into their country, Israel should do the same and kick all the Arabs out.

  3. Stop building in Yerusalem when the arabs permit
    catholic churches in Meeca, and Jewish shul in Saudia Arabia if not SHUT UP. Let the moslem in washington DC tell Saudia Arabia to do this since we all want to be PC correct. Yea

  4. Meir Kahana always advocated sending Arabs out of Israel to Jordan, the real palestinian state.

    If he were alive today, he would be elected Prime Minister in a landslide.

    That’s why certain people set up a “fanatic” to kill him.

    (I’m not a follower of Kahane. I simply admire his prescient intellect.)

  5. “He stressed that while Israel is not seeking a conflict with the United States, halting Jerusalem construction is not an option.”

    The Washington Post said it best…The Washington Post laid the blame for the crisis squarely on President Obama, whom it accused of treating Netanyahu “as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator, needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.”
    The WP went on to say: “Obama picked a fight over something that virtually all Israelis agree on, and before serious discussions have even begun.
    “A new administration can be excused for making such a mistake in the treacherous and complex theater of Middle East diplomacy. That’s why Obama was given a pass by many when he made exactly the same mistake last year. The second time around, the president doesn’t look naive. He appears ideological — and vindictive.”

  6. Yishai should resign:
    If you see a fat lady walking down the street or into your house do you go over and call her “fat!”? No. It may be true, but it would be insulting.
    When VP Biden came, common menchlichkeit and diplomacy should have been observed. Anyone not who doesn’t understand this, is not fit to be a cabinet minister.
    That said, there was an even gretaer insult done to Jews throughout the world by the bidens and nobody said a word.
    If the Bidens had entered an area where no blacks were allowed, the White House and everyone else would have protested vigorously. The Bidens entered where Ramallah where “No Jews and dogs allowed” (except dogs are really allowed) and nobody cared! Where was Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli Gov’t? They claim to be protectors of the Jewish people, but they didn’t even blink at this grievous insult!
    Where are Agudah, ADL, etc.?

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