Protest To Permit Jews Onto Har Habayis

Despite A rally to demand freedom of worship for Jews will be held in Yerushalayim on Tuesday evening at which time participants will question why of late, Jews are banned from Har Habayis.

The event is slated to get underway on King George Street in the plaza in front of the Mashbir Department Store under the banner “The Time for Our Freedom Has Arrived”.

Har Habayis activists explain that while the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Jews wishing to daven on the Holy Site, police are empowered to override the ruling based on ‘security consideration’ and activists view such a move as giving in to Arab terror.

Organizers are calling on participants to bring sheep to symbolize the upcoming yomtov of Pesach.

It must be noted, that when YWN Israel reported this past Sukkos about President Shimon Peres’ historic visit to Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv Shlita, the Posek Hador called on the president to prevent Jews from visiting Har HaBayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran was quoted as explaining to the president that halacha forbids going onto Har HaBayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. While there are a few distinguished rabbis such as Rabbi Dr. Moshe Tendler who urge Jews to ascend the Har HaBayit, it is clear that Rav Tendler is in the minority here and Rav Elyashiv is in the majority. And it might take a talmid chacham of Rav Tendler’s stature to know how to avoid the issur karet of crossing into the area that is forbidden.

  2. Aren’t we supposed to get sprinkled by the ashes from a Parah Adumah BEFORE we go to the Har ha-Bayis?

    Claiming “freedom of religion”- but what religion, Torah Judaism says NOT to go to the Har ha-Bayis (according to the Gedolim). “Reform” doesn’t hold by Har ha-Bayis to begin with. Maybe the secular nationalists who want to daven on the Har ha-Bayis might “warm up” by davening in a regular shul.

    Of course, one should be ready for the possibility of Meshiach coming, in which we’ll need to go to the Har ha-Bayis, but in that case, I doubt the zionist government will be much of an impairment.

  3. akuperma, a Tammei Meiss is Muttar to go onto Har Habbayis, just not into the Makom Hamikdash. You must be Tahor from Tuma Hayoitze Megufo, however.
    The Gedolim prohibited going there in fear of people not knowing where they are allowed to go. Also possibly since if there would be mass pilgrimage onto the site there is little doubt that the necessary Tahara would be very lax.

  4. I do not understand the points being made in this article. First of all, just being Jewish is provacative to many of even the seemingly most liberal of non-jews. For them, seeing a Jew live as though his religion is alive and valid, is an affront to them. Secondly, this idea of something “leading to a religious war”…well, what is going on now?

    Aside from that, if it is deemed we should not go there because of reasons, then that is the way it is.

  5. #3- When I see R.Elyashiv and R. Yosef (and a few Hasidische rebbes) making a minyan on the Har ha-Bayis (in the absence of the Beis ha-Mikdash), I’ll take your argument seriously.

  6. The point here has nothing to do with Halacha. It has to do with the principle of freedom. We do not dictate to the arabs what is and isn’t permitted in their religion. We do not tell the christians what they can and can’t do. We dont even tell the Jews all of the issurim they are oiver every day in Israel. Kashrus, Shabbos, Taharas Hamishpocho. Gidul Chazeirim etc. So what right does a government especially a jewish one, run by jews, have to tell jews that there is a place that they cannot worship. The arabs are allowed at the Kotel, Yoseph’s Kever, Meoras Hamchpela, pretty much anywhere. Yet we jews are not “Allowed” on Har Habayis”
    The Halacha of where to go, even perhaps the Halacha of the “Chiyuv” to bring a “Korbon Pesach” and “Tumah Hutra Betzibur” are all issues the frum can deal with and act accordingly. But certainly the governemnt has no right to stop us. And therefore the Rally has strong merit.

  7. Allowing Arabs to dictate through violent acts what we can and can’t do continues a dangerous practice and plays right into terrorism

  8. Halacha:
    Take a look at history. Jews were always at the mercy of bloodthirsty non Jews and we had to lay low and avoid doing things that would instigate them. Yes Israel is our land but clearly not completely ours until Moshiach comes. Until then we have to avoid conflict with our bloodthirsty Pera Adam cousin Yishmael.

  9. #1 you put Dr Proffesor Tendler in the same sentence with a Godol— Morainu Hagoan Horav Eliyashuv?????????What shyches has one to do with the other.Vos hut boidem tzu ton mit klutz? Not even a tzushtell. A tzioni with a Odom Hatorah?

  10. #10,
    Whether Rav Tendler is DR or a Professor, has nothing to do with anything. Rav Eliyashiv, is the Rav for the lithuaninan Yeshivish Jews, Just as Rav Josef is the Rav for the Sefardic Jews, they are great Rabbis, but not everybody listen to them, every Chasidic Dynasty has his Rebbe and not every chasid listen to some else’s Rebbe but his own. the point is that I have been many times up in Har HaBait, and there are many “black” hats that go up as some “chassidishe” Jews. the opinion of the Rav Eliyashiv and Rav Josef are more of a political view than Halacha. Because they are scare to rock the boat and start a “religious war”. There is no prohibition from the Torah to go up to the Har, only opinios of some Rabbis out of fear of the arabs.

  11. Uzi:
    There are prohibitions in the Torah about going to the makom hamikdosh in a state of Tumas Meis. I’m not well versed in the subject so I won’t “pasken” but its idiotic to say Rav Elyashivs issur is just about politics. If you want to play around with issur Kareis go ahead. Just bear in mind that these issues were Halachically discussed centuries ago by bigger people than todays poskim and most poskim hold one may not go up on the Har Habayis. Just because you see black hats or chassidim on the Har Habayis in NO WAY makes it right. I see these same people talk during davening and speak loshon hora…does that mean its Mutar and I can do it? I mean get real man. If Rav Elyashiv says its Assur don’t do it. By siding with those who do the wrong thing its like siding with Korach against Moshe Rabeunu. Its the same geder.

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