Major Hashovas Aveida – Man Returns Close to NIS 1 Million in Cash

A Modi’in man turned over a bag to police, a bag that he found containing money worth close to NIS 1 million. Police have been working since Sunday, trying to track down the owner of the case.

The man explains he waited a bit to see if the owner would return and when he didn’t; he took the case home, opening it and finding a large sum in foreign currency. He counted it and it amounted to close to NIS 1 million. He turned the case over to police, who are seeking the owner as well as simultaneously checking to see if the money was stolen from somewhere/someone.

Police add that another likelihood is that someone withdrew a large sum from a bank and then transferred to foreign currency. Officials add that if the money is not legal, it is unlikely that the owner will be stepping forward anytime soon.

Police add that if the money is clean and unclaimed for 90 days, the finder will become the legal owner.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Perhaps this is part of the Money stolenn from Rav Steinman’s house 2 months ago.
    They said there was a Moddiin man in question with the theft?!?

  2. Akuperma, you should see the way some people go into Kosher Supermarkets around here. Instead of a credit card, they take a wad of big bills (bigger than anything most of us have ever seen), without even a wallet and stuff them into their shirt pocket.

    In my opinion, the fellow was just going Pesach shopping.

  3. #3, i dont know where you shop, but i would say that people paying with plastic and splitting up the payments into 4 or 5 is more common imo.

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