US President Obama: There is No Crisis

US President Barak Obama has commented on the diplomatic row with Israel surrounding the construction in Ramat Shlomo, pointing a finger of blame at Shas leader Interior Minister Eli Yishai. The president stressed that there is no “crisis” between Washington and Jerusalem, acknowledging that at times, even strong allies will disagree.

Speaking to Fox News, the president reaffirmed the strong bond between the two countries, explaining he sent Vice President Joe Biden to express support for Israel and reassurance amid efforts to revitalize talks between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority). He stated the actions of the interior minister were not helpful towards achieving this goal, adding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu acknowledged this and apologized.

Shifting direction towards Iran, he stated that one of his administration’s highest priorities is to prevent a nuclear Iran, a reality that may lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

19 Responses

  1. Thanks for the statement but the damage was done. He allowed this psedocrisis to marginalize Netanyahu and to create friction in Israels govt. He’s toying with Israel and sending a message that he’s the puppet master. He pulls the strings and if you don’t fall in line, I can yank the rug out from right under you. This sounds like Rahm Emanuel all the way. He understands Israels politics very well, and I’m sure he played a big role in orchestrating this charade. Its a nebach on Israel that their gov’t is such a joke.

  2. The ole, “say what you think the people want to hear and do otherwise,” just like during his campaign. Abe Lincoln forgot to add, that sometimes, “You can fool enough of the people all of the time.”

  3. If you believe this, then I have a bridge to sell to you. Since the Chief Apologist already had a plan from Day 1 to get close to the Arab world and “redefine” the middle east, he made certain to place 2 self-hating Jews (Axelrod & Emanuel) in positions of power to do his dirty work.

  4. To #1 (and others)…
    Regarding your comment about obama’s thoughts about Israel, too bad that he is too foolish to realize that HaSh-m “can yank the rug out from right under you” (i.e. obama) and undoubtedly will at the appropriate time.

    #4 – Pray, but don’t worry. Israel will still be around when this president has been long forgotten.

  5. The president is a wonderful and smooth liar. The problem is his cronies lie to. I hope the lies catch up to him sooner rather tehn later!

  6. As an American citizen, first and foremost, I have faith in our President. He did not create this crisis. He did not embarass the Vice president. BiBi did. The president is not going to “wipe out Israel.” But you can continue to believe such fanatical propaganda, #3, and fuel your own delusion. It does not help you assess matters of great importance with any degree of reason.

  7. Mr. Johnson such heart warming words. You have faith in a president that has no respect for other nations (Building in Jerusalem – not East Jerusalem) is not any more an international scandal as building in California!

    Bibi did not embarras the President, Israel announced a statement about construction in thir own territories.

    I am extremely glad that you have faith in the American President who is out destroy verything, from foreign affairs to domestic affairs. He has no regard for you. and therefore may i suggest that siunce everything in life has a purpose, and we must learn to grow from the issue at hand. Maybe the lesson is that we should have faith in the Ribono Shel Olam and not an arrogant human being!

  8. Chulentlover12 & Mr. Johnson
    It is about time you both come to the realization that your votes for Obama was a mistake. Its not fanatacism when GOYISHE congessman of all stripes come out to defend Israel from all this nonsense. Now exactly what part of ANY committment to any part of the peace process did the PA keep? Who is Obama pressing on this issue? Peace CANNOT be one-side…but this administration is.

  9. Let’s see here. What kind of damage did George W. Bush do to the international system? What kind of damage did George W. Bush do to the fiscal health of the United States? Mr. Bush decimated the largest surplus in the history of the United States. And anti-American opinion from 01-08 surged. Mr. Obama is trying to bring peace to the middle east. Correct me if I’m wrong, but your view of the situation in Yisroel is that all native-born non-jews, should be expelled, right? Sorry, but that view is out of the main stream. And if you don’t like our president, and if you don’t like his policies, then you can find an exit!


  10. #12, You are completely right, in my opinion, George Bush Jr. was horrible and ruined what was left of America. Obama came in and is turning out to be Bush III. It’s over. Both men are stupid in different ways. As far as your rhetorical question, I will assume you are being sarcastic, and not just dumb. And yes, he is trying to bring peace to the middle east. He is trying to make things better for the terrorists by offering them piece….by piece, of a sovereign nation.

  11. Obama will go down as the worst American President in history who used his office to further his own beliefs and his own causes rather than continue the legacy and groundwork that our former administrations worked hard to achieve. His platform was “a time for change” and he certainly proved that he wants to change the attitudes and policies of the U.S. towards Israel as well as towards his own citizens with his strong arm tactics on health care reform. While trying to force the issue on the public sector He and his family along with his political cronies will be immune from his plans. How hypocritical is that?

    Are we happy with the change? NO!!! Mr. Obama enjoy your vacation home for as long as you can, you will be back home before you know it.

  12. Mr. Johnson, you sound pitiful… and deperate. My first question is are you Jewish? I have no problem with you if you aren’t Jewish, but based on your comments you don’t appear to be a believing Jew and if you are then you should think twice before writing certain things. You can say whatever you want about Bush Jr. but the bottom line is he kept America safe. Obama doesn’t even care to keep America safe; as long as he passes his controversial health-care and runs this once great country into the ground. Is that why you love him so much? Can you tell me of ONE positive thing Obama has done for this country?? Just one??

    One need not be Jewish; all that’s needed is common sense and one can see that he thinks he’s playing a game called “Playing President”. Why can’t Israel build homes for her citizens on land that was annexed, which according to International Law that designates the land as Israel’s? Why isn’t the Gaza Evacuation enough to show that Israel is serious about peace? Did the Arabs evacuate any land for peace? Did they sign a peace agreement after Israel handed them Gaza, the way Egypt and Jordan did? They didn’t, because they don’t care for land, but for the destruction of Israel. Obama knows this as well as all of us, but he chose to ignore this and continues blasting Israel and playing dumb, proclaiming that there is no crisis.

    Mr. Johnson, you know all this as well as I do so there is no need to go on like this. You’re entitled to your opinion, but let me tell you one thing: your comments remind me of one of the Four Sons referenced in the Haggada to whom our response is “had you been there you would not have been redeemed”. Think about it. When a person is in denial he gets treated as such. Continue dreaming about Obama’s policies; you will end up paying a price for them.

  13. Mr. Johnson,

    Are you really so naive or ar eyou tring to have a good time on this forum at other people’s feelings expense?

    Mr. Obama is tring to bring peace… Maybe. But at the expense of the people that are living there!!!!

    GO USA! GO USA! GO USA! …. Yes we see where the USA is going.

    Also, just because Mr. Bush was terrible as you beilive, does that mean Mr. Obama could do and say whatever he pleases?

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