Brazilian President Visits Arafat’s Grave

There can be no doubt that Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is a real friend of the PA (Palestinian Authority) administration, sharing the aspirations of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) for statehood.

Visiting Ramallah on Wednesday, Silva called upon Israel to dismantle the partition barrier, explaining the “world cannot accept fences of any kind”. His visit to the grave of Yasser Arafat was an appropriate step prior to meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

He called upon Israel to adhere to the construction freeze and halt all building “in the West Bank”, condemning the planned 1,600 housing units in Ramat Shlomo. Silva stated “brave steps” are needed to advance peace and leave the long-standing conflict behind.

Silva was called upon by Abu Mazen to bring the plight of his people to the world spotlight, to pressure Israel to lift the embargo on Gaza and to release prisoners. The Brazilian president announced he would like to play a more vital role in the region, which is one of significant global importance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Interesting, Two days ago this same Brazilian President signed a unique free trade agreement with Israel.

    Look at this post from Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs:

    From Israel’s Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

    March 15, 2010

    Brazil has given its final approval for a free trade agreement between Israel and the Mercosur trade block of South American countries. Members of the block are now Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay It is the largest economic trade block in South America.

    Israel is the first country outside South America to sign a free trade agreement with the regional bloc whose members produce over $3 trillion in GDP and have a combined population of over 270 million.

    Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was pleased to announce today to President Peres that Brazil has given its final approval for a free trade agreement between Israel and the Mercosur bloc. Israel is the first country outside South America to sign a free trade agreement with the bloc. President Peres and President Lula opened an economic conference together in front of hundreds of Israeli and Brazilian business leaders. The Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor Mr. Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, the Israeli President of the Manufacturers Association Mr. Sharga Brosh, the Brazilian President of the Sao Paulo Industrialist Association (FIESP) Mr. Paulo Skaf, and the Brazilian Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade Mr. Miguel Jorge, joined the presidents.

  2. #1 – Very interesting!
    This guy da Silva is clearly a big fan of…
    his own country, – Brazil – which is quite understandable.
    He wants to play both sides of the fence, for the benefit of his country’s interests.
    Of course history has shown us, that generally that sort of policy does not work for very long.
    Ultimately, one must chose sides.

  3. What’s interesting is that this very same da Silva refused to visit the grave of Herzl. The Israeli government recently made a rule that all visiting dignitaries should lay flowers on Herzl’s grave. Vice president Biden was the first one to do so last week, da Silva the first one to refuse (can’t blame him!)

  4. Dear Imanonov

    That is very interesting. That seems to me to be a very strange rule. I think many people would be uncomfortable with that .

  5. This Brazilian nut is just reinforcing the fact that is it much better to visit arafat’s grave than to visit arafat alive.

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