A “senior IDF officer” quoted anonymously in the daily Yisrael HaYom states the unrests seen in Jerusalem and elsewhere over recent days will end in the coming days, explaining there simply “is not enough fuel to spark a third intifada”.
The unnamed officer is quoted as adding that PA (Palestinian Authority) residents simply wish to lead normal lives, to head out to work in the morning and send their children to school. He feels that economic realities are of paramount importance, and therefore, the IDF is doing everything possible to minimize the use of riot-control adjuncts.
The officer commends the actions of PA security forces, explaining they are dealing with the riots and unrests, effectively, and the average PA resident does not want to go head-to-head with security forces. Their effective activities he feels have resulted in a relatively low number of injured.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)