Specter Comments on U.S.-Israeli Relations

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) spoke on the floor of the United States Senate regarding the state of U.S. –Israeli relations.

Senator Specter’s comments follow, in full:

Madam President, I have sought recognition to comment on the current controversy between the United States and Israel on the settlement issue.

Before the current controversy between the United States and Israel escalates further, I suggest all parties cool the rhetoric, avoid public recriminations, determine exactly what happened and consider some fundamental questions.

What are the facts? It has been reported that there are 1,600 new settlements in East Jerusalem in violation of Israeli commitments. Authoritative sources insist that the announcement by a mid-level official at the Ministry of the Interior involved only planning subject to judicial review with no groundbreaking for three years. Another report said U.S. officials extracted a secret promise from Prime Minister Netanyahu not to allow provocative steps in East Jerusalem.  Is it true that the United States accepted the ten month moratorium on settlements with caveats that excluded Ease Jerusalem in line with the insistence by Israeli officials dating back to Prime Minister Golda Meir that Jerusalem was under Israeli exclusive sovereignty?

It is conceded that Prime Minister Netanyahu was blindsided by the announcement. It is further acknowledged that the Israeli Minister of the Interior is a member of the ultra-conservative Shas party whose participation is essential to the continuation of a coalition government.

These matters need to be thought through before public pronouncements could significantly damage the U.S.-Israeli relationship and give aid and comfort to the enemies of the Mideast peace process.

The rock solid alliance between the United States and Israel has withstood significant disagreements for six decades. The mutual interests which bind these two countries together have always been stronger than the most substantial differences. The United States needs to respect Israeli security interests understanding that Israel cannot lose a war and survive. The United States has many layers of defense to protect our security interests and survive.

I suggest that if we all take a few deep breaths, think through the pending questions and reflect on the importance of maintaining U.S.-Israeli solidarity, we can weather this storm.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. to the united states if you have a president that hates the jewish people it show your true color. as i see it you are no different then all other jew hater. we jews can build in our country east west north and south jerusalem it is all one there is no east or west jerusalem it is all one and you in the united states can not tell me were and how i can build my country. you can take your good arabs that are no better then you and put them all in washington

  2. From the standpoint of International Law, there is, indeed, a difference between East and West Jerusalem, despite Israel insisting it annexed “East” Jerusalem. The historical cultural boundaries of the city are not relevant. until Moshiach’s coming, may it be speedily in our days, Amen.

    So because the world doesn’t agree that portions of it are, in fact, parts of “your country”, therefore, you can’t just build anywhere you like, Zionist delusions not withstanding.

  3. “so because the world doesn’t agree that portions of it are part of “your country”, therefore, you can’t just built anywhere you like, zionist delusions notwithstanding..”
    the only delulsionary person here is “mister hakatan” who , by his ignoble words puts himself squarely in the camp of the real “apikorsim”, one who does not respect “divrei chachomim”. ALL of israel -including every chareidi’ knows that jerushalaim is our eternal city and is ours.

  4. To HaKatan

    To argue as if your comments are accurate: What legal principle of Int’l Law is used to recognize an Arab right to “East Jerusalem” when the only time Jerusalem was divided was after the 1948 war when Jordan occupied and divided part of Jerusalem. If you question Israel’s claim to an undivided Jerusalerm (the status quo ante) then a divided Jerusalem has an even less solid legal foundation.

  5. Just another way to bash Israel. Even if the build so what. They built in Gush Katif and sharon gave up for worst than nothing. If we build so what if the give east Jerusalem chas vashalom the arabs would get it and destroy the new building so what the rackus; it is all a smke screen to go against Israel JEWS OF THE WORLD WAKE UP; they are out to Kill us

  6. Why should we follow “international law” as if the antisemites who make it up are anyione we should follow?

    Who gave them the right to make up all the laws for the rest of the world?

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