The ‘Made in America’ Diplomatic Crisis

By now it is evident to all that the events which occurred in Jerusalem during last week’s visit of US Vice President Joseph Biden was a blunder, but in reality, not as major an event as the White House and Department of State are making of it.

Following the Washington Post’s criticism of the Obama administration, prominent US lawmakers have joined in, turning events around. While Secretary Clinton maximized airtime to speak of the “insult” against the USA committed by Israel, the lawmakers are questioning America’s insult to its staunchest ally in the Mideast.

Joining in is the New York Times, with a headline reading “Israel Feeling Rising Anger From the US”, explaining that President Barak Obama has placed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a “difficult spot at home”.

The report adds comments from Senator Joseph Lieberman, who stated “Let’s cut the family fighting.”

“It’s unnecessary; it’s destructive of our shared national interest. It’s time to lower voices, to get over the family feud between the US and Israel. It just doesn’t serve anybody’s interests but our enemies’.”

What is conveniently being ignored on Capitol Hill is the fact that Israel has been willing and eager to resume talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority), and even now, prior to the ‘crisis’, Abu Mazen only agreed to mediated third-party talks, placing a four-month deadline, dooming them to failure before reaching the negotiating table.

This is ignored by Obama and Clinton, who for reasons that remain a mystery to most political analysts prefer to push this crisis to the limit, to deepen the break in relations between Washington and Jerusalem.

Seeking to backtrack a bit, Clinton released a statement on Tuesday speaking of the ‘unshakable bond” that exists between the United States and Israel. It was the first glimpse of a willingness to move forward since the crisis erupted last week.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. VP Biden stated last week, in Israel, that he needed a cooling-off of Israeli-Palestinian tensions, in order to “protect the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

    By hiding behind the troops and claiming “military necessity,” Biden effectively made a non-negotiable demand–Israel must yield to Arab demands, in order to protect U.S. troops.

    This is, obviously, a phoney excuse for pushing Israel to the wall, and demanding that Jews in Jerusalem live in sub-standard housing, as demanded by Abu Abbas.

    The Obama administration considers Israel to be expendable. It is now engaged in appeasing the oil-rich Arab countries, who hold hundreds of bilions of IOU’s from the U.S., and who are funding Obama’s trillion-dollar deficit spending programs.

    “Eved Loveh L’Ish Malveh!”

  2. WOW, all this over the u.s. wanting to have the racist right to tell jews that they arent allowed to live in certaint sections of jerusalem of all places. as if the arabs werent perfectly free to live where ever they want without being murdered. as if 700,000 jews (equal to the number of arabs in israel at the time) didnt flee for their lives and leave everything (billions of dollars) behind when forced from those same arab lands 60 years ago.

  3. I think Suha Arafat needs to make another antisemitic speech, so Hitlery can kiss her and again, show her solidarity with the terrorists.

  4. I just heard on the Mark Levin show tonight that the United States has committed itself to NOT selling more arms to Israel in case she needs to, cholila, wage war with Iran. These are perilous times for Israel and all of world Jewry including those who b’shita do not believe nor wish to participate in the Israeli government. Because you see folks, the lives of your fellow Jews in Israel are in danger not matter what hashkofo you have.

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