Weiner Has Harsh Words For Obama & Co.

Washington, DC- Following a series of stark statements by White House officials on Israel’s announcement about Jerusalem settlements during Vice President Biden’s recent trip to the country, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D- Brooklyn and Queens), a member of the House Jewish Caucus, released the following statement moments ago:

“The appropriate response was a shake of the head – not a temper tantrum”

“Israel is a sovereign nation and an ally, not a punching bag. Enough already.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. not harsh? what planet are you living on?
    this is a major democrat delivering a slap to obama, hillary, axelface, raaaaaaaahm, and the rest of the anti-semites.

    enough is enough.

    weiner you have gained respect in my eyes!

  2. Anthony Weiner is one of Israel’s best friends, and is and always will be a staunch supporter. I’m proud that he reprsents me and all Jews in this war-of-words.

    Obama needs to be set straight once and for all.

    Iran, Syria are ruuning round with a free pass, while Israel is going to build 1,500 homes, they get slammed.


    Hey, ywn israel had a story last week that a kassam rocket slammed into israel while Biden was visiting.

    How come noone said one word?!?!

    This administration are a bunch of anti-semites.

  3. Not harsh? He told Obama not to have a “temper tantrum”!
    he told that in a statment to the media about the P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T.

  4. It’s good to hear a politician say what needs to be said. AND, he is a Democrat!! (Intended for those who still believe there is a difference in parties and prefer the Republicrats to the Democans).

  5. harsh would be to say that israel did absolutely wrong. Not even a shake of the head.

    The buildings were being built in a jewish neigborhood in yerushalaim. Yerushalaim was never palestinian land. It was simly occupied by jordan, for 19 years, until jordan lost it, when they attacked Israel in 67. Thats what I would have expected him to say.

    Add to that the fact that the administration has not had one word, one nod, one temper tantrum, one critique to the palestinians for their “third intifida” this week

  6. Himy Himmelstein, even if the Jews didn’t vote Obam would’ve won. By the way, I am also a big fan of Shmuel Kunda! He needs a big Refuah Shelaima and a lot of Tehillim!

  7. THANK YOU #10!!!
    I appreciate Rep Weiner’s standing up to the admin, but there is a much stronger point to be made here!!!

  8. Let’s see how many other elected officials stand up to the self hating Jews in the white house.
    Thank you Congressman Weiner.

  9. #14, Who is a self-hating Jew in the White House? There are none. In fact, right hand man of Obama, a Jew, was at strong odds with Obama and was reportedly winning those arguments. Hence, the White House goyim made totally irresponsible statements leading to destruction. Since when does an American official REALLY become embarrassed because ANY country does not do exactly as America prescribes? That article on embarrassment was a set-up in order for the White House Widiots to lash out.

  10. obama always get mad if he does not win. lets up the health care fiasco brings the final nail into his presidency. Remember he is part of the CHICAGO MOB. ALL BIG CROOKS

  11. KUDOS. jews ARE allowed to live in one tiny part of the world!, unlike everyone else that can live anywhere they like.

  12. What did you expect? If Hillary were still senator from New York, she would have had stronger testicular fortitude than Anthony when scolding Barack Hussein Obama and leftist socialist David Axelrod.

  13. 11, You are correct on the thilim needed for Reb Shmuel Kunda. Incidently, I believe today (Rosh Chodesh) is Rebitzen Kunda’s shloishim.

  14. #18 – Secretary of State Clinton has imbibed the State Department Kool Aid!
    No one can drink of it without becoming an anti-Semite.
    If you were a shtikle anti-Semitic BEFORE drinking, then kal v’chomer!

  15. wow finally someone in the political world said something!!! you go congressman weiner and maybe someone will take heed of what you are saying and do something.

  16. mark levin, MichelleNY, and PachadYitzchakFan; I have been checking Sean Hannity’s website. Congressman Weiner flipped his vote on Obamacare which would lead to a $500 million loss of funds to New York State for Medicaid and Medicare. There is someone who works in Mr. Weiner’s office, by the name of Ed Colton, who is special assistant to Mr. Weiner. He listens to talk radio. I wouldn’t be surprised if he monitors this website.

    I blogged onto this website on Wednesday Mr. Weiner’s “Yea” vote for the Senate version of Obamacare. Mr. Weiner has a not so noteworthy record on Israel. This is his way of maintaining support in the Jewish community while hiding his vote on Obamacare which would impact just about everyone in some form or another.

    Hillary Clinton used to do the same shtick. Look where it has gotten us, the Jewish voter, and Israel.

    This is just another way for Weiner and the Democrats in New York to maintain control over the Jewish electoral base of the Democrat Party. It is insignificant because as long as Stretch Pelosi has her “Yea” vote for what Obama wants, who cares what Weiner says concerning Israel?

    A man who is engaged to a Muslim can not be trusted in the future. Just remember what Hillary did for Israel as Senator and you will see this is just another ploy.

    Mr. Levin, it is wonderful to see you again here on Yeshiva World News. I hope you didn’t misconstrue what I say as a criticism of your remark. I didn’t intend it as such and I hope you forgive me if you were upset.

    To the rest of you Weiner supporters out there, you are nothing more than a pack of foolish yutzes who Weiner and the rest of the Democrats can manipulate.

    I want to know who is Republican challenger is this year. Weiner can’t be trusted.

  17. #23, How can you second guess the underpinnings of Weiner’s statement? While your accusation of his motives would be a byproduct, your claim of his insincerity is to copy/paste it to your political agenda.

    Doubting the sincerity of a fellow Jew who defended Israel and choosing to align yourself with a cheap copy-cat like Hannity, and a political agenda, will not help Klal Yisroel at all. Not a tiny but. Even if your accusations are correct. So what? Weiner came out on record publicly telling the President that Israel is not a punching bag. Good for him!! I dont see why you have a problem with that.

  18. Wow. I’m amazed by how liberal so many of you commentators are about throwing around the term “anti-semite”. It seems that criticising the Israeli government means you are an anti-semite. Policies are distinct from people, that should be obvious. I’m against a lot of what the Catholic church is doing, does that mean I’m a bigot? or just a self-hating catholic?

    The word “anti-semite” is a rightly powerful one because of tragic historical events, but we risk losing some of its potency when it is crassly exploited to make partisan political points. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

    (and to get back on topic – I like Weiner, he’s smart and (maybe more importantly) tenacious. We need more Democrats with his spirit).

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