Jerusalem Planning Officials Continue to Authorize Construction

While America is indeed the superpower in the equation, one must marvel at the total ease the current administration exhibits regarding its continuous blatant interference in domestic matters, calling upon the sovereign State of Israel to halt construction in its capital, the capital of the Jewish People, crossing acceptable rules of parliamentary play, even for the United States.

Well, the White House and State Department are continuing to flex their sizable political muscles, but the Jerusalem Planning Board appears unimpressed, authorizing construction in Jewish and Arab areas of the capital alike, including Gilo, French Hill, Ramot, Abu Tor, Jabel Mukaber, and Ras al-Amud.

The committee approved most pending requests, including enlarging public sector buildings.

One of the requests turned down was for 12 new apartment buildings in Har Homa, apparently due to a technical fault in the plans, lacking an access road and adequate parking for the new residents.

Regarding America’s feeling ‘insulted” over the Ramat Shlomo construction, a number of politicians pointed out that the area is not “East Jerusalem” as the White House would like the world to believe, but it is situated between Ramot, French Hill and Har Chotzvim, a far cry from “Arab occupied East Jerusalem”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. To: Pres. Obama & Hillary Clinton:

    Stop distorting history. There is no such thing as ‘East Jerusalem’. It is one undivided city that is the eternal capital of Israel and the Jews. Stop making gestures to the PA. The Arabs will never like the U.S. anyway. They will always try to do their terrorist activities against the U.S. and the West.
    You should realize that Israel is the closest ally to the U.S. has. You should not mix into Israel’s internal affairs, just like you wouldn’t want any other country to tell you what to do in the U.S.

  2. tell a lie long enough and people will believe it especially is you are just a little bit but just a little bit ANTI-SEMITIC

  3. Bibi should tell Obama that if he will return Northern Mexico (also known as Texas) to Mexico, plus the other part of Baja California (also known as California) to Mexico, then Israel will rethink building on land that actually does belong to the Jewish nation. Unlike Texas and California which was stolen from Mexico. Oh did I forget Florida, New Mexico, Arizona?

  4. This is the same Mrs. Clinton, who — years ago — kissed Mrs. Arafat, Ymoch Shmam, and whose husband, former president Bill, earns millions of dollars in “consulting fees” from Arab dictators.

    PM Netanyahu is also partly at fault, as he took that phone call from her on Shabbos Kodesh. Historically, Chiloni Israeli public officials have not transacted government business on the Holy Day.

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