Thousands Take Part in Gaza Rage Day Events

Thousands of Gazans are taking part in Tuesday’s ‘Rage Day’ events, a day on which Arabs are expected to adhere to Hamas’ calls and riot, especially on Har Habayis and in and around the Old City of Yerushalayim, to express outrage and protest over the ongoing Israeli occupation and growing threat to al-Aqsa Mosque.

There can be no doubt that the present American administration bears indirect responsibility for the violence, with the US president and secretary of state declaring Israeli construction in its own capital illegal and a violation of international law.

Some believe President Barak Obama has an “Islamic agenda” while others chalk up his failed first year in office to political naiveté, while others point a finger of blame to his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Whatever the case, there can be no doubt that the current US administration is inflaming the region, undermining the Israeli government, while strengthening terrorists leaders, albeit unintentionally.

While Clinton shouted Israel insulted the United States during last week’s visit of Vice President Joe Biden, editorials appearing in prominent US newspapers say otherwise, and it is Clinton and President Barak who are insulting Israel with their blatant disregard for the ruling Israeli administration.

The radical Islamic elements are gaining momentum daily, and from a political Israeli faux pas last week, the Arab community is up in arms, calling for a “third intifada”, condemning Israel and warning the international Islamic community that Israeli policy threatens the future of al-Aqsa.

It is obvious to those who wish to accept the truth that the dedication of the Churva Shul in the Rova in no way threatens al-Aqsa or any mosque around the world, but those seeking a launching pad for the next round of PA (Palestinian Authority)-sponsored violence will take anything available.

In Gaza, marchers shouted epithets against Israel, and the current growing threat to Hay Habayis, which has been incorporated into the Islamic myth, as if the local or global Islamic community has a legitimate claim to Har Habayis. One can only marvel over the lack of understanding exhibited by White House policy makers, who simply have yet to learn the lessons of 9/11, or the 2005 Disengagement Plan in Israel. The expulsion of close to 10,000 Jews from their Gaza homes simply led to another Islamic terror state, and that will be the future of the entire region without a strong Israel.

Arab MKs, even the moderates like Talab el-Sana are showing true colors, making harsh anti-Israel statements over recent days, with some turning to the United Nations, calling for Security Council sanctions against Israel for its policies and efforts to overrun al-Aqsa.

In the meantime, Israeli security forces in Yerushalayim, Yehuda and Shomron are busy today, seeking to maintain order as Hamas holds another community event, one that is accompanied by unprovoked attacks, vigilantism, and life threatening attacks against security officials and civilians alike.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. This is being done because of the statements of Obama the he-donkey, Clinton the she-donkey, and Biden, another he-donkey. And, I must apologize to donkeys who are on a higher level than Obama, Biden, and Clinton. This administration must go. America, like Japan, will pay for this. How utterly treacherous for America to treat an ally with such harsh words instigating this action here. This administration is unAmerican!! How do we get them out?

  2. “Some believe President Barak Obama has an “Islamic agenda” while others chalk up his failed first year in office to political naiveté, while others point a finger of blame to his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Whatever the case, there can be no doubt that the current US administration is inflaming the region, undermining the Israeli government, while strengthening terrorists leaders, albeit unintentionally.”

    I think that it has become crystal clear to any fair-minded, logically thinking individual that President Obama is the ideologue leftist that we all feared. He has an agenda and that is the only path he follows. Obama coddles up to terrorists as well as terrorist-sponsoring nations. As the Chief Apologist, he has made the United States the laughing stack of the world. There is no more national pride. This year is an congessional election year. Rather than follow “safe” topics, Obama is following his agenda which doesn’t leave ANY time for serious efforts to create jobs and provide forclosure relief. I for one am not a Republican but voted for McCain in the last election. This year I plan to vote straight Republican as a protest vote. I hope that you will all join me.

  3. #2, I say animals are on a higher plane. In my opinion, because Rahm Emanuel is allegedly putting it to Obama; Obama, Biden, and Clinton have to come out to the world with anti-Israel rhetoric, thus fueling these mutant palestinians to do what they like to do anyway? Get these clowns out of the White House. They are not of the calibre to serve as leaders of America.

  4. The Arabs are being given the green light to attack the Jews in Israel thanks to the Obama administration. George Mitchell may have decided to stay home and not observe the “action”.

  5. Flatbush — they are not being given any green light. That’s your interpretation, and it’s wrong-headed.

    Mitchell decided to stay home as a diplomatic response from Bibi’s behavior over the weekend. Embarassing the Vice President of the United States is not acceptable.

  6. I didn’t finish. I meant to also say that I didn’t know it was possible for arabs to get any more animalistic than they already are!

  7. #7, your thinking is clouded and I suspect you may even be Joe Biden. Biden, Vice-President of an alleged free nation, has a right to “suggest” what another free nation and ally should do, but has no right to “expect” he will determine policy and actions to be taken by another free nation and ally.

    Whoever wrote the article, too, stating Biden was indeed embarassed, incited riots and destruction.

  8. Would the Israeli govt please take video and forward it to the white house, with a message “thank you Barak Obama and Joe Biden for everything you do for us. We could never ask for better allies.
    BiBi Netanyahu”

  9. I think the Vice President has better things to do than sit online and post comments, #10.

    If Israel is a free nation, then you are right — it should do whatever it wants. But we should not subsidize it. Im a taxpayer and it’s costing me a lot of $!

  10. #12, Well, I am glad you think Biden has better things to do. What does he do with his time? How busy is he? Tell us.

    Also, perhaps we can figure out how much of your taxes go to Israel and give it back to you. While you are at it, maybe scrutinize everything else your tax dollars goes to as well and make a list of what meets your approval and what does not.

    Your tax dollars also go to every arab nation including the palestinians. My tax dollars benefit you in some way. And I dont want to subsidize that. Whether it is costing me “A LOT OF $”, as you say, is another story.

  11. this has been planned for months and has nothing to do with the obama administration policies

    let the animals riot

    hopefully they will burn down the parts of gaza that israel didnt destroy

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