Knesset Passes Civil Marriage Law in 56-4 Vote

Interestingly, the frum MKs absented themselves from the late Monday night vote while the radical left-wing opposed the bill, which they feel is inadequate, having been watered down to earn sufficient support. Whatever the case, the Civil Marriage Law has is now a reality, addressing the needs of non-Jews living in Israel, those seeking to marry without the complications of dealing with the Chief Rabbinate.

The law compels the establishment of a Marriage Bureau Registrar, an entity that will address the needs of those residents classified as non-Jews, permitting them to get married without any religious ceremony.

According to officials, there are approximately 60,000 Israelis who are today categorized ‘without a religion’, and they would benefit from this bill. MK (Kadima) Dudu Rotem, who authored the bill praised the decision, rejecting criticism from chareidi lawmakers, insisting the bill does not compromise halacha yet permits the non-Jews to move ahead with their lives.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Were the frum parties againts this bill? Does it impact how jews get married as well?

    What was the reason to oppose it?

  2. i cant imagine for the life of me these 60,000 even wanting this. why on earth would they push something thats bad for all jews. this is horrible. even if it benifited me tremendously i wouldnt at all vote for such a thing, what is wrong with them.

  3. This bill, as it stands now, is only for non-Jews.
    Until now there was no such thing in Israel as civil marriage. EVERYONE had to have a religious wedding according to whatever religion one is.
    Non-Jews who wanted a civil marriage could not have one in Israel.
    Theoretically, this should not make any difference for us, as those whose identity cards classify them as Jews, still require a Jewish marriage ceremony.
    The problem is, that this could be the first step down the slippery slope toward secular Jews (either amongst themselves, or between them and non-Jews) demanding why should non-Jews be allowed to have a civil marriage and they can’t.

    Just one of MANY problems in a “secular” “democratic” “Jewish” state.

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