Story of ‘Missing’ Children Ends Happily on Monday Evening

Yisrael Koenig of ‘Yedidim’ explains the Monday evening incident in which volunteers were involved looking for the parents of two small children. Alternatively, the parents of the children, residents of Bnei Brak, were looking for their missing children, ages 4 and 5 according to Koenig.

A woman got off of a number 402 bus on Malchei Yisrael Street in Yerushalayim and noticed the two small boys, realizing something was wrong. She phoned ‘Yedidim’ and Koenig, a Bnei Brak resident, was in Yerushalayim, not far away, responding along with others.

The children only spoke English he explained on Tuesday morning, but he too can speak English, facilitating the situation. He learned their names are Eitan and Netanel, but was unable to find out anything that might assist in locating the parents.

Koenig phoned Zaka officials in the capital and they began making the regular calls, to missing children gemachim and others, finally locating the parents a number of hours later, learning they reside in Bnei Brak. It appears the two adventurous boys decided to board a bus and take a ride, alone, and they found themselves in Geula, not exactly certain what to do.

Koenig drove the boys home and Baruch Hashem, the story has a good ending.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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