Tuesday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

12:00PM: 3 border policemen injured, 11 Islamic rioters injured and at least 25 rioters are in custody.

12:23: 4 firebombs hurled at border police near Issawiya. No injuries.

**A Tel Aviv man was reported in moderate condition following a stabbing incident on Monday evening.

**Three Arabs disguised as religious Jews, removed from a bus on Monday night, were released from custody following questioning.

**Two border policemen were lightly injured in rock-throwing attacks near Shuafat.

**Dozens of Arabs hurled rocks at security forces on Tuesday morning in the Issawiya area of the capital.

**IDF Homefront Command air raid siren testing at 11:00am in the Tel Hashomer area.

**A border policeman was lightly injured in a Monday night rock-throwing attack in the Shiloach area of the capital.

**S’dei Dov Airport will close today from 10:00am-2:00pm to permit a security training event. In addition, area air raid sirens will be tested, including Ben-Gurion International Airport.

**An infiltrator was shot dead crossing into Israel near Uvda on the Egyptian border during the night.

**Yahadut HaTorah officials met on Monday night with PM Netanyahu to discuss the housing crisis in the chareidi community.

**A young Jew from Manchester was attacked in Uman, beaten by goyim who tried to rob him. He was not seriously injured Baruch Hashem. A number of Satmar chassidim in the area witnessed the event, summoning police.

**Yahadut HaTorah on Monday night released a statement supporting Deputy Minister Litzman’s opposition to moving kevarim at Barzilai Hospital.

**MK (Kadima) Yoel Chazon submitted a bill that would compel emergency services (police, fire, EMS) to permit citizens to summon assistance via SMS text message.

**Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin calls on PM Netanyahu to exhibit “leadership” and override Litzman, permitting construction at Barzilai Hospital by moving ancient graves.

**MDA stepped up operational alert status nationwide on Tuesday morning.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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