Goldstone’s Anti-Israel Becomes Increasingly Clear

According to IDF reserves Colonel Dr. Reuven Erlich, who heads the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, the publishers of the infamous Goldstone Report, the United Nations fact-finding mission on Operation Cast Lead intentionally ignored facts in the case, apparently determined to deliver a serious indictment against Israel, as Justice Goldstone. The relation between Goldstone and the radical left has already been established, as was reported earlier this month by YWN-Israel (

According to a report released by Ynet, quoting Dr. Erlich, Goldstone and his team of impartial fact-finders ignored some significant data, like the fact that Hamas hid behind civilians, literally using them as shields, and Hamas systematic growth ahead of the military conflict, preparing itself well for the expected conflict. Erlich stressed that his team of researches never planned to condemn Goldstone, but the evidence revealed the facts in the case.

Dr. Erlich explains that Goldstone simply used the information that suited his report, and he ignored evidence in the case that was not favorable to Hamas. Erlich explains his organization does not have an agenda and it is a NGO, and the findings of his investigators are available for those wishing to address the realities of the case, including the United Nations. 

Goldstone’s claims of loyalty to Israel, waving his Jewish flag of being a loyal Zionist seem absurd at best; having signed his name to a document that has sorely compromised Israel’s standing in the international community, not to mention opening the door for lawsuits and criminal action against military and civilian leaders. Goldstone’s affiliation with the New Israel Fund attests to his loyalties, an agenda that seems to contradict the agenda of the IDF and the nation’s leaders, who simply seek to protect citizens from unprovoked Hamas missile attacks originating in Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. If you look at Goldstone’s report from a different perspective, you’ll see that he had no choice but to reach those conclusions, and expecting him to have done otherwise is unreasonable. Siding with Hamas against the Jews was the only way to avoid death threats and assassination attempts.

  2. His report full of lies helps agitate the antisemites who then work themselves and each other up to the point of attacking and G0d forbid sometimes killing Jews.

    If he wrote this ‘report’ to to avoid death threats and assasination attempts then he just threw them off of himself onto others, who will now suffer from his evil lies.

    There is no excuse for such cowardice.

  3. That’s an exuce to present a one sided report that ignores facts and vilifies israel? He has absolutely no character or moral standing. He’s interested in prestige, world recognition and honor. He’s also a liar for claiming that he examined all facts.
    All those leftist and israel haters know very well deep down that israel is guilty of no wrong doing and that hamas /palestinians are the true culprits.No one in the right mind thinks that Hamas has even a shred of moral fiber or a concern for safety of others.Blind hatred of israel leads ppl to blame israel for everything. At this point, their well represented by the american president unfortunately.

  4. Does anybody except the U(seless) N(obodies) really believe that the Goldstone report is anything other than a work of fiction. It ranks right up there with the Protocols.

  5. I don’t understand this headline: “Goldstone’s Anti-Israel Becomes Increasingly Clear.” It makes no sense.

    If ‘something’ belonging to Goldstone is becoming increasingly clear…well, it surely isn’t this headline. (It’s as clear as mud). Goldstone’s what? (has become increasingly clear). His report? His bias? His intentions? His agenda? Please provide the headline with an appropriate — but presently missing — noun, so that it makes sense. Thank you.

    Your unofficial editor-at-large

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