Some People Never Learn; What Can Happen By Hiring Arab Laborers

We all have an increasingly difficult time balancing our budgets when yomtov arrives, especially Pesach with the added expense to merit the fulfillment of the special mitzvos of the yomtov.

That said, some, unfortunately as well-intentioned as they may be, seem to have difficulty learning from the bitter experiences of others, yet alone the total disregard of safety and security issues for one’s family and neighbors, totally ignoring the law, which in this case is set to protect us.

This story takes us to Bnei Brak, where a young avreich began realizing he needs his home painted for yomtov, yet he was aware he was unable to afford the cost of a real painter. He headed for nearby Jabotinsky Street, finding Arab laborers seeking a day’s pay. They closed on NIS 250 for the paint job, a ridiculously low sum. It was understood the avreich would pay for paint and all other supplies.

In short, the job was done and it was more than acceptable, the laborers were paid, and the proud avreich ran to tell his brother-in-law, who was also seeking to paint his home for yomtov.

The brother-in-law hired the painters, paying them the same NIS 250, equally as satisfied with the work. Shortly after they departed however he realized that he was missing some valuables. As he began searching his apartment he found that NIS tens of thousands in jewelry, cash and other valuables were gone, stolen by his trusty Arab painter. He phoned his brother-in-law who began checking his home, only to find the same alarming reality.

The first avreich calmed down, realizing that he has the painters’ cellular telephone number, so he planned to head to the local police station to file a complaint and seek justice, not to mention the return of the valuables.

The police indicated they are happy to file the case but did the young man a favor by explaining to him if he moves ahead with a complaint, he is likely to face a NIS 30,000 fine for hiring illegal laborers, and possible legal action.

This law was put into effect for a number of reasons, to prevent illegals from taking badly-needed jobs, undercutting fair market rates, and to prevent bringing potential terrorists and criminals into our homes.

In short, both decided to drop the case and return home to their freshly painted homes and absorb their losses.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. Are these guys nuts? Lucky it was only their cash/jewerly/possessions stolen and not the lives of their family. Just as easily a bomb could have been placed in any hidden crevice.

    Rav Chaim of Bnei Brak came out LOUD & CLEAR against hiring Arab workers, who do u think he was talking to?

  2. that would have been prevented if they’d learn some contemporary laws (along with 2000 years ago laws). and all those Mechanchim complain that the Israeli Gov’t is trying to impose the “LIBA” upon them. these youngmen would have been saved if not for those Charedi PMs.

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