Bibi Plans to Build in Yerushalayim

Interior Minister Eli Yishai explained on Wednesday that the current administration never accepted a White House demand to halt construction throughout the capital and it appears there are a number of formidable projects on the horizon.

Current buildings projects in the capital include 1,600 units in Ramat Shlomo, 4,000 units in Givat HaMatos (southern capital), 750 units in Pisgat Ze’ev (northern capital), and 307 units in Har Choma.

The announcement of the construction in Ramat Shlomo came as US Vice President Joe Biden was visiting in Jerusalem, resulting to a storm and much embarrassment and pressure on the Netanyahu administration.

Using the announced building plans to its fullest advantage, the PA (Palestinian Authority) has already backed out of US-mediated talks with Israel, pointing the finger of blame at Israel for sabotaging diplomatic efforts.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has apologized to US Vice President Biden for the poor timing of the message, Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reported on Thursday morning. The ill-timed announcement came just as Biden was heading for Ramallah, for talks with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). Biden condemned Israel during a joint press conference in Ramallah with the PA leader.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Build Bibi Build!!!

    This whole thing with the farshultina yishmaelim is such hypocrisy anyway. Anyone who thinks a living breathing yishmaeli will EVER behave human is halucinating.

    As far as yenim in washington, er ken oych gayn in der erd.

  2. LET’S GET MOVING AND BUILD NON STOP throughout Eretz Yisroel. Chodesh Nisan is arriving and the GEULAH is on its way. Need housing for the millions of JEWS who will be arriving soon.

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