Yerushalayim Levaya on Thursday from Tzipori Bones

Asra Kadisha and the Eida Chareidis will be holding a levaya in Yerushalayim on Thursday (25 Nissan) for the bones exhumed by archeologists in Tzipori. According to a HaMevaser report, after the archeologists destroyed the burial tomb on Sunday, the bones were exposed leading to a p’sak from Atra Kadisha leaders to oppose the ongoing excavations with mesirus nefesh, which led to the protests, violence and arrests.

The mass levaya will get underway at 1:30pm from Kikar Shabbos with the recitation of tehillim and slichos, followed by shofar blowing. Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita will address the forum as well Eida beis din member HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita. Atra Kadisha rabbonim will also speak.

After the speeches end, the tzibur will ask ‘slicha and mechila’ from the bones that were disturbed and a special tefilla will be recited. The procession will then make its way to Har HaZeisim. The bones will be interred near the Kodshei Yericho HY”D murdered in 5739.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. I wish they would tell us about these things in advance.. It took me 3 hours to walk home from tachana merkazit because there was no buses. I understand sometimes it has to be done but there are so many ways to be more considerate of residents.

  2. #2 – three hours to walk home? Sounds like a slight exaggeration.

    In three hours, you could *walk* from the tachana merkazit to Neve Yaakov – Kaminetz, which must be where you live.

    You could also walk to Tzomet Bar Ilan or even further on Sderot Levi Eshkol and grab the 49A, 25 or 45 from there.

    The 3-hour story sounds like a huge exaggeration, unless you move around using a non-electric wheelchair.

  3. Perfect example of why comments have to be closed! Even monitering them may not do the trick! Its impossible #2 for it to take three hours to walk from the Tachaneh to your house. The only busses that werent going were the ones through Kikarr Shabbos and anywhere such busses go gan be walked in much less then three hours. Besides, as #3 points out you can take busses in a round-about way as well. Another issue is that the whole Levaya took less then three hours. How low can one sink to FABRICATE a story against righteous people. If you didnt go to the Livaya-fine, but why make up a story that degenerates the ones who did?!? FOR SHAME! Yeshiva World gouldnt know if you were making this up or not, they therefor gouldnt edit your Motzei Shem Ra, but what can stop this from happening again?!? What moderation will gurentee against something like this?!?

  4. Wow… talk about being quick to accuse.

    I guess the only exxageration was that the first 40 minutes was spent waiting for the 25+ 45 until I was told they weren’t coming.

    for those who are not aware- I am partially disabled and can’t walk fast and need to take breaks from time to time. I figured I would walk down Yaffo till ben yehuda and catch a bus from there because the whole yaffo was barely moving.

    I finally got to Ben Yehuda and there were no buses from there and no one could tell in which direction the buses had detoured to to find one.

    Then, I continued walkign down Yechezkal and couldn’t pass through on foot because they didn’t let me and made me detour through meah shearim which is up and down steps which took even longer because i didn’t know my way.

    Finally by the time I got home it was 3 hours from the time i left.

    could be there was a nother reason for no bus from yaffo but I left TM at 1200 and got to my house at 3.

    i understand if something has to be done and the streets need to be blocked for whatever reason.
    But, I don’t understand why they can’t leave a sidewalk clear for ppl walking on the street and y there can’t be signs up a day in advance so ppl know not to travel and get stuck.
    that is the part i think is inconsiderate.

  5. #3 & #4: Where is your apology to Speaktruth? You are quick to condemn, but slow to apologise! Besides that, you were choshed Biksheirim and are chayev to give a brochoh to Speaktruth

  6. What should i say, i don’t really believe speak the truth. Its hard to believe him bec a busses were still going at 12 since the livaya didn’t start till 130 B you can just call *2800 to find out how to get the bus C even if you didn’t have a phone a taxi couldn’t have cost more then approx $10. If this man is telling the truth or even if he is not he should be merit to do the will of Hashem all the days of his life! My point is made.

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