Biden: Politically Correct Yet Factually Off Track

When US Vice President Joe Biden is guilty of an occasional faux pas the media is right there to achieve maximum benefit. As we know, when a politician blunders the media will use the material to its full potential but when the very same politician, senior as he may be, makes statements that lack any basis in fact and reality he is given a large margin of poetic license for as long as the statements are viewed as politically correct.

This would best describe the words uttered by America’s second in command at a Ramallah press conference on Wednesday following his meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

“It is incumbent on both parties to build an atmosphere of support for negotiations and not to complicate them… “Yesterday the decision by the Israeli government to advance planning for new housing units in east Jerusalem undermines that very trust, the trust that we need right now in order to begin…” Mr. Biden stressed the PA is entitled to a “viable” state, but it would appear he does not agree that the residents of Ramat Shlomo in Yerushalayim are entitled to additional housing.

Mr. Biden prefers to ignore 17 years of nonfeasance on the part of the PA, since the signing of the Oslo Agreement, its failure to stop preaching hate for Israel in its public schools, it permissive attitude towards terrorism, and its alliance with Israel’s enemies, working with other members of the Axis of Evil towards uprooting the Jewish State.

PA Prime Minister Salim Fayyad did not miss a beat, telling his visiting dignitary “This is a moment of great challenge to the effort led by the United States to get the political process going again.”

This despite the fact the PA accepted the Arab League recommendation to agree to resume talks for a maximum period of four months.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. While the Palestinians have clearly shown themselves to be incapable of governing themselves as a separate state, the recent inept decisions by the government of EY which seem almost intentionally designed to insult its few international suppporters is almost as bad. Insulting the Turkish ambassador, members of congress, and yesterdays fisaco with the Vice President are part of a pattern of ineptness.

  2. im in favor of a one state solution of israel placing its boarders whereever it wants for the rest of time and the palastinians simply going into other arab states, its common sense.

  3. taking a lead from his predecessors, Biden is speaking no differently than George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice. thoughof course it all gets reported differently by partisan agenda driven bloggers .

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