Hackers Take Down Rav Elimelech Fuehrer’s System

According to the CEO of WGN Media, Yisrael Weingarten, the company responsible for maintaining the website and email services for Ezra Lemarpeh, the organization run by Rav Elimelech Fuehrer, hackers penetrated the system and caused a halt in email.

The story begins last motzei shabbos, when the rav phoned Weinstein to inform him he is waiting for a critical email, from a hospital in the United States, addressing life-saving surgery for a girl.

“Remember, the rav never makes calls himself, but his aides handle that for him and when I received a call on motzei shabbos ‘hello, this is Fuehrer’ I began to sweat, realizing something very serious has taken place.”

The rav explained the email was sent from the United States but it has not arrived, and after technicians checked into the matter, they learned the organization’s email system was breached.

Weingarten explained that when a business is hacked, the system compromised, people miss appointments perhaps, deals are lost, but here, it is a matter of lives, “life and death for many”.

Weingarten’s staff began working, aware of the urgency and eventually, they got the email up and running, implementing a temporary fix. The particular email did arrive in time and the girl’s condition was addressed.

Weingarten explained this was not a random attack by hackers looking for action, young geeks, but the work of experts.

He stressed this is “Not an attack in which Arabic music was placed on a Zionist or Jewish site but something far more serious”.

The trail explained Weingarten led to Saudi Arabia, “sending a clear message” since the hacker’s address appears to be on “Jihad Street”.

“He attacked a humanitarian non-profit organization that engages in saving lives and nothing else. Ezra Lemarpeh has no political involvement whatsoever. In the case of R’ Fuehrer, a day of work lost, 12-20 hours, impacts lives literally, not just one missing a luncheon appointment” stressed Weingarten, who stated all data was backed up and nothing was lost.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. This rav TRULY saves lives. The murderous yishmaeli savages once again live up to their Torah description of PEREH-adam!!!

  2. May hashem protect his children in zchus of this holy man that does all this to help yidden and save lives.

  3. One of the best vertlach I ever found on Arabs. A must read!

    In Lashon HaKodesh the noun always precedes the adjective.  For an example in the phrase “Adam Gadol”, the noun Adam, comes before the description “Gadol” great.  However when the Malach tells Hagar that she will have a son (16:12), he tells her that her son will be a Pereh Adam, a wild man.  Grammatically speaking it should say “Adam Pereh”.  Why is the order reversed? Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin answers that the order is in fact grammatically correct The noun to describe Yishmael is not a “man”.  The noun to describe him is”wild”.  Yishmael is “wild” to the core.  That is his whole being.  What kind of wild is he?  To this the torah adds the description “man”.  He is wild and happens to resemble a man.

  4. While hacking anyone is wrong, and affecting an organization that saves lives is wrong all the more so, this presumed Arab hacker hacked an Israeli MEDIA company, not Ezra LiMarpeh per se.

    In other words, the story really is that a hacker seemingly criminally intruded on, and tampered with online property of, a commercial business, this Israeli media company, that just so happens to host a non-political medical organization.

    So Mr. Weingarten’s comments are irrelevant/incorrect in the sense that the attack was directed at his company without regard for who his company may do business with, not at the relief organization itself.

    So it is, therefore, misleading to imply the presumed Arab did this hack with the intent to take down a medical-assistance site.

    Having said that, I hope all these companies, both non-profit and for-profit, stay safe and do well for both their owners and clients.

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