Yishai Wants to Bring the Ethiopian Jewish Community Home

Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai announced he is making an effort to bring the remaining members of the Ethiopian Jewish community home in the coming year.

He announced that immediately after Pesach, members of his staff will begin checking into the realities surrounding the 8,700 remaining members of the Ethiopian community, those still waiting to come home to Israel.

Yishai commented during a Knesset committee meeting, explaining from his perspective this is a “life and death decision” and everything possible must be done to bring these Jews home before it is too late. He expects a government decision regarding a plan to address the situation in the near future. He is pushing to accomplish this within a year, adding he hopes money considerations are not holding up approval.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. If they are Jewish why does his staff need to “checking into the realiities”? I thought Israel is poor and cant support its chareidi population why bring in pure goyim that are no different than the zulu in south africa. I think there are purely political reasons (votes of falashas already in Israel) in mind, so much for a jewish state with Darfur, Arabs and Russian goyim all over the place.

  2. For shame on all of you for your racist comments. Rabbi Yishai works under Daas Torah. Our Gedolim are the only ones who can decide who is Jewish and who is not. Jewish history is full of the repatriation of populations that were “mixed,” who were reintegrated into Klal Yisrael. They accepted ohl mitzvos and underwent giyur or giyur l’chumrah. And if you cast aspersions on our Gedolim, I suggest you revisit the 13 Ikkarim and reconsider your own status as a believing Yid.

  3. ONE VOICE do you believe that Russian goyim of mixed Jewish blood should be converted? this is pure politics.

  4. Answer to 5: It depends on what Daas Torah has to say. Remember that for many years any mention of Hashem’s name or teaching of Torah was grounds of imprisonment in Russia. They were truly tinokos shenishbeu. And conversion means acceptance of ol mitzvos, as defined by the Gedolim.

  5. “There never was such a thing as ‘Black Jews’: the Falashas are plain Ethiopian Blacks. The whole thing is sheker v’kozov. They are not our brother Jews. They have brought a mageifoh of AIDS to Eretz Yisroel!” (Rabbi Avigdor Miller tape 853).

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