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Israel Agrees to No-Win Negotiations

Once again, euphoria surrounds the news that both sides have agreed to return to the negotiating table, a recipe for more anti-Israel condemnations as the PA (Palestinian Authority) continues to make its position abundantly clear. The Israeli media is excitedly reporting that renewed talks are expected to begin by month’s end, bringing a ray of hope of the left-wing community.

With Arab League support as an added boost, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) announced he is willing to enter into talks that will last no more than four months. Abu Mazen has repeatedly announced Israel must agree to withdraw from “occupied East Jerusalem” and adhere to a total cessation of construction “in occupied areas”, so once again, Israel has agreed to sit at the table, aware from get go that Jerusalem will be perceived as the party preventing progress in the so-called “peace process”.

In short, the PA has stated in no uncertain terms that anything short of a total Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 Six Day War boundaries is unacceptable.

Perhaps on a more positive note, Haaretz reports it has learned that US envoy George Mitchell has informed both sides that “that the understandings reached following the 2007 Annapolis Conference are non-binding in the current round of negotiations”.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Tuesday morning from New York, Minister of Galil & Negev Development (Likud) Silvan Shalom stated “Whoever believes 130 years of conflict can be resolved in four months is mistaken”.

The timing of the announced resumption of talks coincides with Monday’s arrival of US Vice President Joe Biden, who is on an official three-day state visit. While he is expected to address the ongoing conflict between Israel and the PA, Biden’s presence focuses on the Iranian front, and reports leaked to the media on Tuesday stated that he is going to pressure Jerusalem into agreeing not to launch any military strike against Iran without a green light from the White House.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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