Israel: Education Ministry Recognizes To’eva Organization

Israel’s Ministry of Education has announced it now recognizes Israel’s Gay Youth Organization to credit students required to engage in volunteer activities.

This means that the to’eva organization is now among accepted options for high school juniors and seniors, who the schools urge to become active in their respective communities. They may now work with this organization towards fulfilling this requirement along with volunteering in MDA, scouts and working in shelters and youth organizations.

It appears the decision is the result of last year’s fatal attack on a to’eva club in Tel Aviv which left a number of youths dead. A request to recognize the organization was filed with the ministry following that attack.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Do the math…
    “Jewish” state minus Torah =
    Sick government.
    Sick courts.
    Sick education.

    Heartbreaking but – No surprises here.

  2. how is the organization to’eva?

    providing assistance to another yid is not to’eva…no matter what the org is called

    the state is giving credit to those who volunteer

    it is attitudes like this that led to the attack and murder of innocent children


  3. YWN, you selected the perfect photo for this article. May we merit to see a sign “Welcome to Eretz Hakodesh”. Israel momentarily is a Modern Communist State but feels “democratic” when mimicking the filth of the rest of the world.

  4. Remember, it says Israel, not Eretz Yisroel.
    We as Bnei Torah should remember to use the words Eretz Yisroel and not Israel.
    The only time we use the word Israel for our use is when making reservations to visit our home, Eretz Yisroel.
    The theory of a Jewish State could use a tombstone and yes for Israel’s philosophies, a bouquet of dead flowers.

  5. bacci40, you haven’t read the torah lately so you don’t know how the torah defines “alternative lifestyles”.

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