Israel Police: NIS 2 Million Stolen from Maran R’ Shteinman; Arrests Made [UPDATED 9:40PM IL]

7:35PM IL: According to information released by a senior officer assigned to the Israel Police investigation into the break-in of the home of Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita, over NIS 2 million in tzedaka funds were taken.

The theft occurred about two months ago when the Rav was engaged in delivering chizuk to others, outside of Bnei Brak, leading police to believe it was an inside job, involving people close to the Gadol Hador Shlita who are aware of his schedule, as was reported by YWN-Israel (

As was reported following the theft, not only did the thieves know the Rav’s schedule, but it appears they knew exactly which drawers to open and where to find the checks and cash.

Police made three arrests on Sunday (March 7th), two brothers from Bnei Brak and a third suspect, a resident of Modi’in Illit. A Tel Aviv court extended their remand by five days.

Police involved in the case explain they have evidence pointing to the involvement of others, indicating additional arrests are to be expected. In the meantime, the three in custody deny any connection to the theft, but senior police investigators explain the evidence indicates otherwise.

UPDATE 9:40PM IL: One of the three young men in custody, suspected of playing a role in the theft was apprehended as he was trying to make his way to an undisclosed destination abroad.

The suspect in question is one of the brothers from Bnei Brak. He was in possession of a “sizable quantity” of the money when he was apprehended, on a plane.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. How low can you go? Stealing Tzedaka money from the Gadol Hador?! I just hope Rav Shteinman isn’t “mochel” them and they get away with it. They need to do HEAVY jail time.

  2. I don’t think R’ Shteinman has the authority to be mochel, since the money isn’t his and thus the slight isn’t to him.

    While the gemara praises those who are insulted and don’t respond as fulfilling the pasuq of “as the sun goes out in its strength”, it also says that a talmud chakham may not forgive offenses. So, how do you resolve the two? The more popular approach is to make a distinction between personal offense, and times when the slight includes the Torah they represent.

    If things play out differently, than obviously the above is wrong. My ramblings and his pesaq aren’t comparable.


  3. Why did he have 2Million NIS in his HOUSE! Why not put it in a bank account and then draw the amounts that would be needed on an ongoing basis.

  4. I think a very troubling aspect of all this is, that undoubtedly these perpetrators are supposedly “Frum”
    Which raises the question, why are these very low people allowed to be around the Gedolim?

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