Monday Afternoon News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

Close to 200 people took part in Sunday’s rededication of the Rambam Shul in Cairo.

**Attorney General Weinstein rejected a call from FM Lieberman to investigate Police Chief Cohen for statements the latter released to the media regarding an ongoing investigation about Lieberman.

**US envoy Mitchell is meeting in Ramallah with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

**A SIDS death was reported on Chafetz Chaim Street in Kiryat Sefer on Monday morning.  A MDA physician pronounced the 6-week-old infant dead on the scene.

**A border policeman and 5 citizens were arrested on suspicion of weapons theft and sales to criminal elements.

**Addressing the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee on Monday, DM Ehud Barak said “Iran at present does not pose an existential threat to Israel”.

**HaTzaddik Rav Hager Shlita is leaving for the USA on Monday night to attend a number of smachot.

** Modi’in Illit health officials report a significant spread of mumps in the community. A major effort is underway to launch a vaccination campaign.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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