Israel: Cops Pay Out of Pocket for Repairs

Israel Police officials have been complaining for some time about budgetary woes, which seem to be increasing. In one recent case, a motorcycle cop paid out of pocket for a side view mirror after the garage told him they cannot replace it since no one will pay.

In another case, a lieutenant paid NIS 380 to repair a hose causing his vehicle to overheat, unwilling to leave the vehicle in the station parking lot until such time officials could find a way to repair it.

In yet another case, a policeman who got a flat tire on Highway 443 paid out of pocket to repair the tire to enable continuing with his day.

Officials in National Police Headquarters explain they are aware of the fiscal crunch, adding no member of the force is expected to make any out of pocket payments for department vehicles.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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