Thousands of Left-Wingers Protest Against Jews in Shimon HaTzaddik Neighborhood

Sending additional messages of strength to our enemies, an estimated 3,000 members of Israel’s left-wing community on motzei shabbos held a protest in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood after the High Court of Justice last week compelled police to permit the protest event.

Participants in the protest, Arabs and Jews, objected to the growing Jewish presence in the predominately Arab-occupied area of the capital, opposed to ongoing activities by Ateret Kohanim and its affiliated institutions, purchasing properties in the area near Kever Shimon HaTzaddik to renew the Jewish presence. They proudly waved PLO flags along with Israeli flags, demanding the ousting of the Jews from their legally acquired homes.

Dozens of frum yidden arrived as well, staging a counter protest and seeking to enter Kever Shimon HaTzaddik.

Undeterred, leading the right-wingers was MK Yaakov Katz, known more affectionately as “Ketzaleh”, explained years ago they protested against Har Choma as well and today, it is home to 20,000 Jews. He added this was the case in Beit El and elsewhere, and he is confident the same will be in Shimon HaTzaddik in the future. MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad, who was also present, decried the “audacity” of the leftists, who support our enemies.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Us yidden, we are a strange bunch,aren’t we? Can u even imagine a protest in ANY arab country against suicide bombings or rockets? And us? We demonstrate in Yerushalayim against yidden living peacefully. When will we learn that the arabs know that if they wait long enough, we will destroy ourselves G-d forbid. We are ready to give our sworn enemies Yerushalayim, yehuda, Shomron and the Golan. What exactly do u think we will get in return? Recognition from the arabs? Who needs that. We are fine without it thank you. Remember this hard to hear fact. They want every one of us dead. Nothing less.

  2. protesting against yidden legally purchasing land

    is this not proof that they want a yuden frei nation?

    where is kahane when you need him?

  3. STOP calling them Left-Wingers. These are not Left-Wingers but anti-Israel, total traitors to Eretz Yisrael, as AinOhdMilvado had previously mentioned.

    The so-called “right-wing” parties, like the Prime Minister, Bibi Netanayahu’s party, are today what used to be called Left-wing parties.

    Only what the left-wing media call “extreme” right-wing parties – like Ya’akov Katz’s (“Katzele”) Ichud l”Umi represent what Israel is supposed to be about.

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