Erev Shabbos Violence at the Kosel [UPDATED 2:41PM IL]

1:35PM IL: Arabs on the Har HaBayis have begun throwing rocks at mispalalim below at the Kosel compelling police to enter the Temple Mount in an effort to restore order.

At present, YWN-Israel has learned that at least two policemen have been injured in the violence but it appears the rock-throwing down onto the Kosel Plaza have ceased.

Magen David Adom officials report units have been moved to heightened alert status in light of the goings-on in Jerusalem’s Old City, fearing the spread of Islamic violence.

In a related matter, reports from the Shomron indicate that soldiers are being “bombarded” in rock-throwing attacks in that area. Baruch Hashem, no injuries are being reported.

UPDATE 1:50PM IL: A total of 18 policemen were injured in riots on Har HaBayis, five of whom are reported to have been transported to a hospital, Baruch Hashem with only light injuries.

UPDATE 2:11PM IL: After reaching an agreement with Waqf officials, Israel Police forces have left the Har HaBayis area.

UPDATE 2:41PM IL: PA sources are reporting over 60 people injured in the Har HaBayis rioting. At this time, the number is not confirmed by any official Israeli source.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. “PA sources are reporting over 60 people injured in the Har HaBayis rioting.”
    That’s terrible!
    ONLY injured! – Terrible! – That means they’ll be back to do it again.

  2. How many yishmaelim were arrested?
    We know that when the police deal with conflicts with the much demonized “settlers”, scores of arrests take place.

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